Insights and Monsters

Start from the beginning

And didn't Wei Ying trust him? No...he didn't, couldn't... because up until a few days ago, they were mortal enemies. Even Lan Zhan was having his doubts now. On his own part, he had not lied to Wei Ying at all, or at least tried not to. But Wei Ying had lied to him twice now, and they were big ones.

It was not okay to lie.

The Gusu Lan sect had rules for this, in fact, a whole section on the importance of truth and honesty. A part of Lan Zhan felt incredibly hurt that Wei Ying hadn't confided in him, but he was starting to understand why now.

Wei Ying was the heir to a prominent clan. How could their only son be a common dancer? Although the truth was, there was nothing at all common about him or his dancing. The ethereal way he moved, Mo XuanYu, no, Wei Ying danced like one bewitched, and in turn, cast his spell over his audience.

Lan Zhan should know; he was caught in his dancer's web from the get go.

Those enchanting silver eyes, those elegantly arching brows, and his beautiful talent...

The only way Wei Ying could dance was to change his identity. This meant that Wei Ying had to be Mo XuanYu in order to live his double life. Lying about it was not only needed, it was a necessity.

And what of himself?

Lan Zhan had already promised to marry Wei Ying. He had vowed to protect this man in the face of all others, maybe just to himself for now, but it mattered. He understood that by protecting his secret, not only would Lan Zhan be saving Wei Ying's life, but the lives of countless innocent others, caught in between the clans and their feud.


That had been his one true feeling right from the start. The most powerful one.

On that green field, in the middle of a tournament where an unfair bout was taking place right in front of his eyes, he was compelled to step in, be the deciding factor, and save his Wei Ying.

Was it wrong to think of him as his own?

It didn't feel wrong...not any more. Lan Zhan remembered their mind-blowing kiss, where he had wondered if it was possible to hear his heartbeat elsewhere...but to be honest, not a lot of thinking was done in those few minutes of bliss. He shivered, relishing the memory of that beautiful face, wanting to kiss him, and himself, needing it more than his next breath.

He had to face Wei Ying now, he wanted to hear it himself from those pink, tantalising lips that yes, Wei Ying really was Mo XuanYu, the dancer.

Lan Zhan felt so relieved too.

He had not cheated on his dancer after all, and that alone lifted a great weight from his shoulders. His conscience was clean, he had done nothing wrong, and all was well in the world.

He thought back to the meeting with Wei Ying's grandmother...did she know? She must! Not only was she was a member of their family and a prominent figure in her own right, but she could see into the past, she had said.

She definitely knew.

They must have been laughing at him, how naively he was declaring his loyalty to Wei Ying, afraid of tarnishing their new relationship...but all he had seen on Wei Ying's face was relief. Could it be that they also were gladdened by his confessions?

And where exactly was Wei Ying now?

He had said he was going to meet his parents...but suddenly, Lan Zhan felt something was wrong. It was a growing feeling, so faint at first that he had been able to ignore it, but now as his mind calmed, he could feel a pain increasing in his chest.

Urgency to find Wei Ying now overtook any and all other feelings as he jumped up and raced out, making his way towards the infirmary. He stopped outside, peering in, not wanting to upset anybody.

Wei Ying's mother still lay on her bed, eyes closed and looking as if she was fast asleep instead of a coma. Wei Ying's father sat next to her, silent tears falling on his hands joined with hers, anointing his pain.

Lan Zhan bowed out of sight, and turned away quickly, lest he be discovered. Wei Ying was not there...

But his mind refused to calm, if anything, his panic was only growing stronger. Where was Wei Ying now?

He wasn't too familiar with the layout of Lotus Cove. It was a big place, and Lan Zhan might be wasting valuable time searching pointlessly...there must be a better way.

Unconsciously, his hand drifted over the bracelet on his wrist. It was strangely warmer, a tangible difference in temperature against his skin.

He closed his eyes and thought of Wei Ying, a clean, single thought, a determination to reach him now. His feet began walking forward, guided by faith alone that he was going to find his love soon. He found himself standing outside Madam Yu's study.

His bracelet was glowing, the charm appearing as if burning with a white fire.

Why was he here?

Why had his feet brought him here of all places?

But then, he heard the sudden and unmistakable sound of Zidian crackling with spiritual energy.

He burst through the doors just as Madam Yu let loose her lethal and formidable weapon on a defenceless Wei Ying lying on the ground. When her hand reached back to strike him again, this time, it was Bichen who faced her wrath.

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