"And I don't want to use any vehicle right now, I'm going out just to need a breath of fresh air." She added, she also didn't know why she had to explain it to him.

Jisoo made his mouth round like an O with his head nodded.

"Why are you here?" Now it was Jennie who asked as she raised her eyebrows.

Jisoo cleared his throat and answered.

"Well I should also need a breath of fresh air that's why I'm here." He replied with an innocent face.

Jennie clenced her fist tightly, she basically knew that wasn't the right answer. She could only huffed in annoyance.

She who no longer wants to procrastinate time, then with a cold shoulder she accelerates her pace to start jogging, she is more willing to jog to remove her sweat now than to be next to him for longer.

"I didn't know you were also a diligent jogger." Jisoo compliments by also starting jogging next to Jennie.

Jennie ignored Jisoo's words and focused more on jogging. Jisoo smiled meaningfully as he glanced at Jennie beside him who was just focus staring ahead.

"I always hoped that one day you would be by my side and I didn't think it would still happen." Jisoo added with a bright smile but Jennie was still silent as if she didn't hear the words.

"I always read the letter you sent me during our school days. I smiled brightly like a fool person when I read your last sentence, ETMY as in Enchanted to meet you and honestly I was confused at first but not until you wrote the full verse of the meaning when the day you left me so that every time I heard about the song I would always remember you. "Jisoo still kept talking even though Jennie ignored him like he didn't exist.

"Are you remember that I used to always want to be a famous football player but after you left I feel useless anymore because what's the point if I'm the best player if I don't have my number 1 supporter." Jisoo continued his speech with a small chuckle when he remembered about his past story.

Even though Jennie ignored him he still kept telling the story persistently and cheerfully.

Suddenly a memory crossed Jisoo's mind that kept his face lit up like a light bulb.

"I suddenly miss the taste of ice cream that we eat during the day, maybe we can go back to buy more-

"Can you stop talking? You're distracting me." Jennie rolled her eyes in annoyance with her face showing no interest in Jisoo's story.

"Yeah I'm sorry." Jisoo hid his thin smile with his head now bowed down still with his footsteps aligned with Jennie steps.

Within 3 minutes of them jogging Jisoo really held on to his words when he just kept quiet while stealing a glance towards Jennie who still ignored him.

He really misses the woman who is still by his side, if given the opportunity of course he will not repeat the same mistake again, he knows he admits he was still not brave at first because he was still afraid of what he would receive.

But after Jennie found out everything he began to feel his burden lessened because now all that was left was himself not to give up and also to ask for one chance only to fix his mistakes.

Unlike Jennie, she prefers to finish her jogging session as soon as possible so that she does not have to spend too much time with him. She is still angry about the previous incident, which makes her unacceptably rude.

Jennie gritted her teeth, her eyes forward, so she wouldn't see a shadow of him beside her, and she didn't notice the small rock in front of her that caused her to slip and fall down, holding her ankle in pain.

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