Friends or Lovers? Part 1

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Before you read, I would like you to know about something, Grammarly he- just kidding. Just in case you don't know yet "Kuya" means older brother, this can be used to anyone who's older than us and to someone who you don't know, and you want to talk them.


"I'm Rocky Hester, but you can call me Rocky and here's my number cutie" Rocky said, giving him a card, Marshall blushed "Huh?" he said shocked "I said call me cutie~ there's my number on the card" Rocky said winking at him making him blush "O-okay" he said blushing "I'll wait for your call cutie" Rocky said winking again and went to the church "Ooh~ Marshall got a crush~" Chase said, teasing him "Whatever, I'm going" he said going to his car, he had a blue Honda that he received for his 20th birthday, "Don't forget to invite me also to your wedding" he laughed but Marshall just ignored him.

After he got in his car, he looked at the card Rocky gave him and thought "Maybe he's joking, maybe this isn't his number and just messing with me, no one could ever give me their number that fast, like at first glance" he was an overthinker, he can't help but to overthink these kind of things so he just kept the card in a compartment at his car and went to meet up with his bestie, Skye. After a few minutes of driving he finally went to her house "SKYE THOMASSS!!" he screamed sure enough some girl got out and it was her "WHAT!!!" she shouted back "HI!!!!" he yelled back.

After the shouting, he went inside and they started to talk about the wedding, how Marshall had the weird dream a few days ago and how he cried at the wedding about the past and she just hugged him "Shh, it's gonna be alright, it's all in the past, just be happy for him, okay?" she said in such a sweet voice "Thanks bestie" he smiled, but he was crying a bit. "Why won't we eat something, have you eaten lunch yet? Why didn't we go to his house, we'll just eat there and we'll go home after?" she insisted and Marshall agreed. So they went in the car, drove to Chase's house but as he did, he felt a tear escape his eyes when he saw the two feeding each other but Skye comforted him and a few minutes later they went out, grabbed a plate and started to fill up their plates with food.

After getting some food they found 4 empty chairs so they went there and sat but as soon as they did Chase noticed them so he went to see them "Skye! How have you been?" he said as Skye turned to see him "Hi kuya Chase, I've been good" she smiled and started to eat "Okay, enjoy and Marshall, didn't think you'll be here?" Chase said a bit shocked "Oh, so you don't want me to be here? Okay I'll just leave" Marshall said with a straight face as he stood up and starts to walk away but Chase tried to stop him "Marshall, that's not what I meant I was just surprised because you told me that you're not coming" he said concerned for his friend but Marshall just kept walking, while crying a little bit.

His vision got a little blurry that he couldn't see that he was about to bump someone, and he bumped someone, they fell onto the ground "Oww, again?" Marshall flinched "Sorry" he apologized "Rocky?" he said surprised "Oh, Marshall, glad we bumped into each other again, literally guess it's destiny?" he laughed "Shut it" Marshall said a little embarrassed "Yo, bro you good?" someone spoke behind him "Yeah" Rocky said getting up and helped Marshall get up. "Oh, hey Marshall I would like you to meet my friend here" he said as Marshall saw a guy came from behind him "Hi, I'm Rubble, Rubble Monroe and I'm Rocky's friend" Rubble said reaching his arm out for a handshake and Marshall gladly accepted it "Nice to meet you, I'm Marshall" "By the way, Marshall, why are you leaving so soon?" Rocky asked a bit concerned just as Marshall was about to answer, Skye and Chase came running to him "Kuya, why did you leave? That's not what he meant, he was just surprised" Skye told him as Chase agreed "Just enjoy your food there" he said nicely as they all went to the table.

"Hey cutie, we'll be right back, we're just gonna get our food" Rocky said winking at Marshall and the two boys left and went to get their food, "Wait, hold up! Did he just-?" Skye said shocked "Yeah, he did, you see... after the wedding, when I was gonna leave I sort of bumped into him and well... he started there, he started to call me cute, gave me his number, his name is Rocky and his friend's name is Rubble" he told her "How old are they?" she asked "I'm 28 and Rubble is 23" someone spoke behind them, when they turned around they saw it was Rocky carrying their food "Well, how about you guys? How old are you?" Rubble asked "I'm 27 and she's 22" Marshall said while eating.

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