Can I?

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"Pervert..." A mumble came from my neighbour.

"What do you mean Matsushita?" I asked confused, I did nothing to earn such a label.

"You were staring at me without saying anything pervert, what do you want?" She eyed me with a figurative question mark on her head, I guess she must mean when I got lost in thought.

"Did I really stare at her that long?" I wondered. "Well I guess I have to clear up the misunderstanding., also what's with the pervert?" I maintained my gaze on her.

"Sorry Matsushita, it's just I got lost in the blue of your eyes, they remind me of something peaceful, So mature in complexion that honestly suits you quite well, to be honest I was lost in your beauty."  I replied to her question, that should clear up the misunderstanding.

"Wait... why is her face red? Is she sick? No she looked perfectly fine a moment ago... is this the phenomenon known as blushing? But I didn't say anything that could have warranted such a reaction from her." I pondered in my head, I haven't seen this side of her before.

Just to be sure I put my hand on her forehead and I can conclude that she doesn't have a fever. I looked at her face again and my suspicions were confirmed when I noticed her blush go deeper in red.

"She is blushing, but why?" I asked myself

"You alright Matsushita? You look a bit red..." I vocalised my thoughts.

A bit of an understatement but one that shouldn't cause her to panic. I mean there was no reason for her to panic anyways, she is a mature woman that shouldn't be scared by her face going a bit red. At least, that was my assumption.

"Baka..." She mumbled almost inaudibly, she averted her gaze with a thin smile.

"Huh?" I uttered in confusion.

"Ayanokouji kun you Baka!!! That was so... that was so unfair! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!" She exclaimed with a bigger blush, a loud squeal that made me retract my hand immediately.

Hearing her scream at me, my peers in the class turned to look at us. Various reactions of confusion and anger were directed at me, it seemed like from the start I was monitored by the boys whilst the girls were more in the puzzled side.

Matsushita then proceeded to calm down and tell the class that what happened meant nothing. With a still red face, however it wasn't as dark a shade as before.

"Not helping Matsushita... Compose yourself
woman..." I looked at her figure which was stood up."Why was she screaming at me anyways? Did I do something wrong? I mean I checked for her well being, shouldn't I get a thank you?" I thought.

Listening to Matsushita, our classmates turned back to their conversations; then Matsushita sat down and breathed a sigh of relief.

I looked over at her and she turned to me, I decided to speak up and address her lack of thanks.

"I am expecting a thank you Matsushita," I said and she adopted a confused expression.

"Huh? What do you mean by thank you? Should I thank you for trying seduce me you sleazy idiot. Sorry Ayanokouji kun but you will have to try harder."  She responded to my words harshly, a glint of anger showing up in her eyes.

"So she thought that I was trying to seduce her..." I wondered.

Looking back at my words I think I get where she was getting from. It really did seem like I was making a move on her, I need to clear up this misunderstanding.

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