Moody Boy

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"Tyler where are you?", Ryan growled seeming a bit with an attitude this day. "In the living room", Tyler was writing Ryan's mood down onto the notebook he always had. Tyler came into the living room and frowned at his guardian. "What are todays plans?", he said and plucked a hair from Tyler. He hissed and rubbed the spot where the hair was pulled from. "Stop bothering me and you have to go the market and buy yourself food", he pointed a pen at Ryan.

"I hate groceries, its pure shit and it fucking pisses me off", Ryan's language was not a bother to Tyler since he was very used to it from other patients. Ryan took the keys from the suitcase that belonged to Tyler. "Lets go you fucking dick. I cant wait to spend on bullshit thats not even cool clothes from Hot Topic or some dumb crap like that", he said to Tyler as he walked out the door.

"Ryan let me see your eyes for a minute. I have to check their movement". Ryan stood still and moved his eyes from side to side. They moved fast and a lot normal than they usually were. "Thank- you. Theyre not drifting around", Tyler said writing it onto his book before getting in the car. Ryan grinned "can I drive now?", Tyler shook his head at him and the teen grunted in dissapointment.

Ryan took over the radio connecting his phone and blasting metal music that Tyler being a lot older than him hardly understood what they were screaming out. He never commented anything afraid to ruin Ryan's mood a lot more than it already was. He simply listened and understand maybe he was depressed or just emotional. The kid seemed to be the type to like all that "emo" stuff only he hated being categorized.

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