Chapter Ten: Hogwarts Express

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          September 1, 1993: In the morning, I got dressed in a simple green long sleeve top and black skirt before braiding my hair with one green ribbon and tied the other around my neck. King's Cross Station wasn't far from Diagon Alley since they're both in London. We all managed to get to Platform 9 ¾ with our trunks, brooms, and pets. I saw Draco waiting for me and I quickly broke from the group to greet him.

          I threw my arms over his shoulders and kissed him, "Sweetheart!"

          He blushed and held my waist after we kissed, "Darling, I've miss y-"

          "Draco. Who is this?" a cold voice startled us both.

          "M-Mother. I thought you were leaving," Draco said and removed his hands from my body.

          "I was, but this young lady greeted you so affectionately," she said and her eyes looked me up and down.

          I took a deep breath and curtsied, "Forgive me for my rudeness. My name is Sophie Pendragon. I'm the daughter of Master Howl Pendragon. It is a pleasure to meet you."

          Her eyebrow twitched and she had a small smile, "Narcissa Malfoy. So, you're to blame for the house elf situation."

          I gulped, "I-I-"

          "Mother, please don't tell father about this. I.. I like Sophie. Very much. I want to start a relationship with her," Draco said and held my hand.

          I turned a violent shade of red and his mother brought her hand up to her lips, "Oh, Draco. Is this true?"

          I relaxed a little when I realized she was overjoyed and he nodded, "Please, don't let father find out."

          She was doing a poor job of hiding her pride and nodded, "Very well. Make sure you treasure her. Miss Pendragon? If you hurt my son-"

          "I would never! I like your son!" I blurted out.

          She smiled and turned around to leave without another word. Draco was ecstatic and brought me inside to an empty cabin where Calicfer made himself at home. This time, Draco put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me into a deep kiss when he saw that I was wearing the ring. It made me blush and he has never been this dominant before. He even covered my ears for me when the train blew its whistle.

          "Oh, darling, you truly wish to be mine?" he asked.

          I nodded and kissed his cheek, "Thank you for the gift, sweetheart. You spoil me. I love being with you and I've missed you so much."

          "I love.. When I'm with you. I've missed you so much," he said and kissed down my cheek to my neck.

          I gasped and whimpered when he untied the ribbon to kiss my neck, "D-Draco."

          "Hm?" he hummed and continued kissing my neck.

           "A-Are we officially together?" I asked, my body burning up.

          "We are. I promise to always be by your side. I want you to depend on me. Please. Even if I'm a human, I want to be able to protect you. Don't go where I can't follow," he said seriously and cupped my face in his hands.

         The cold metal ring made my skin shiver in the best way, "That means so much to me. The same goes to you."

          In the back of my mind, I was reminded of what Cedric said. What did he mean? Draco was most affectionate with me so I didn't linger about other people. He seemed much more confident now and boldly began kissing me. I loved it. However, about halfway through the journey, Calcifer managed to escape the cabin.

          "Calcifer!" I cried out, "I'm so sorry, Draco. I'll be right back. Calcifer!"

          I left the cabin and chased my cat down the walkway. When he ran into another cabin, I jumped and landed on my stomach in the middle of that room. I was holding Calcifer as he angrily meowed. Sheepishly, I looked up and saw Ron holding Scabbers.

          "Oh. Hi, Ron," I said softly.

          "Blimey, Soph," he said and sat up.

          I sat closely next to Harry, "I'm so sorry. I just came and-"

          The train came to a stop as we were in the middle of some terrain. Hermione was sitting next to Ron across from us and was holding Crookshanks. Sleeping against the window was an older wizard who couldn't possibly be a student. Calcifer suddenly stopped caring about Scabbers and growled at the window.

          "Wh-Where are we?" I shivered.

          Harry shyly put his arm over my shoulders and Hermione was also shivering, "We can't be there yet."

          Ron put his hand on the window and it began to turn frosty, "Something's moving out there."

          I couldn't see through the frozen glass and I couldn't hear anything unusual. However, my skin crawled and I struggled to remain in this form. The embodiment of unhappiness was creeping near us. It was pure agony for my hunger as I sensed all the happiness in the world being frozen and sucked away.

          "S-Sophie? What is it?" Harry asked and held me closer.

          The train violently lurched forward and we were all alarmed. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw it in the hallway. A massive black creature floating towards us. My fangs grew and I was fighting every urge to turn into my true form. With a wave of its bony skeletal hand, the cabin door slid open. The creature looked like a black ghost. The cloak covered its face and it was ragged on the ends.

          Calcifer hissed and Scabbers hid in Ron's jacket. Crookshanks also hissed. The creature looked at Hermione and Ron before fixating on me. Suddenly, it felt like my soul was being ripped from my body. I felt no joy and wanted to devour myself. Harry was also being affected and I remember seeing blood and a hand holding a beating heart before my vision went black. 

Sophie Pendragon, Year Three | Half-Vampire At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now