🤍Part 1🤍

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A hand came down hard on Y/N's cheek, making her head snap to the side.
"Is that all? You're so weak!" She chuckled and moved her head back. She had been on a mission for two months to get information on this new Swedish group that was buying and trading weapons, high class weapons. Y/N was sent to Sweden to watch them for a few month and report back, unfortunately for her the day before she was assigned to leave she was caught and brought here to an abandoned building. The boss had thought she was working for the company they were working with and suspected the company was holding back weapons so he took it into his hands and was now questioning Y/N.

The bosses 'sidekick' punched her in the stomach, causing her to groan and catch her breath. She leaned forward and coughed while collecting herself. He chuckled at his work and moved back.
"You know, your anger issues are becoming apparent. I know a good therapist who could help with that." Y/N sat up and smirked. The man clenched his jaw and pulled back his fist, colliding it with her jaw. Her head snapped to the side, she spit the blood out of her mouth and moved her jaw around.
"Ouch." She scowled at the man and tilted her head up at him.

The boss who was watching had enough of her sass.
"Enough!" He came up to her grabbed her jaw roughly, pulling her to look at him.
"Tell us where the rest of the weapons are and we'll stop."
"Oh, but I'm having so much fun." She pouted and he pushed her face away.
"Jax." He motions for the man to come back. Jax stomped over and grabbed the chair, pushing it back over the hole in the floor, above the 5 stories below. She gasped at the shift and looked down at the fall.
"Now. Tell us where to find out weapons or we kill you."
"That's a bit aggressive." She furrowed her eye brows.
"Jax, let her g-"

A phone ringing interrupted the boss's words. Jax looked down at his pocket lighting up.
"Go ahead. I'll wait." She said, he pulled the chair back and he reached into his pocket. He swiped to answer it and said hello.
"Put your boss on the phone." A mans voice spoke through the speaker.
Jax handed the phone to the boss and he cleared his throat.
"Who is this?"
"You're at 182 Banzy Plaza, 5th floor. I have a F-22 8 miles out. Give the woman the phone or I will blow up the entire block before you could make it to your car." Coulson's voice came out of the phone.
The boss glanced over at Y/N and she shrugged, he placed the phone under her chin and she spoke.
"What are you doing? I'm working! This moron is giving me everything." She looked up at the boss.
"I not give everything."
She arched a brow and rolled her eyes.
"We need you to come back, we found another weapons trade in Dubai."
"Can't you find someone else?"
"If I could, I wouldn't be calling you. We're downstairs."

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