XII: Celebración (pt2)

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(play song (really only the first one fits what the dance is timed along with but you can keep listening if you prefer to))

(also read the dance scene relatively slowly with emphasis and stuff, for you quick readers out there)

You put your hands in the air and twirl your wrists in circling motions, moving your fingers seductively as you float your hands down to the music. Circling them around as you feel your movements through the notes that are playing. Flowing with the song like a boat in calm waters. Swish and swirl and spiral. Deep breath. When you hear the tempo pick up and the guitar players slide down the scale, you stomp your foot down, which clacks against the tiled floor. People whoop and you smile a little. Time to give them a show. You twirl and stomp in time, making sure to pose for the audience. The edge of your dress flows in waves around you as you dance. You hear the climax about to approach when suddenly trrrrrrrrrrrrrr  Casita's stairs flatten and turn themselves into a ramp. Everyone looks as he slides down with such grace, shoes never leaving the floor, and lands directly next to you. And as the drums (and clapping) kick in, he grabs your waist and pulls you in tight, you feel his chest against yours. Everyone cheers.

And you finally look up as you glide across the dance floor with Bruno Madrigal.

He copies your moves and yet manages to compliment you perfectly. As he twirls you and pulls you back in, you see a smirk plastered across his smug little face. Whatever scheme he had cooked up in that aggravating brain of his, it was working and you scowled at him. It didn't last long though, even as you tried to remain upset, turning itself into a hidden grin. You have to avoid his eyes or you might smile more. He slides his hands into yours, pulling you into his side as you circle each other, arms sticking out. He pulls his arm over, now your back touching his chest, as he brings his mouth to your ear and whispers in his deep raspy voice, "Come with me." He releases you only to pull you in again, movements synchronized and perfectly as one. You go low and he goes high. You turn left and he spins to land in front of you. You are NOT allowed to leave his sight. Like a matador in a fighting pen, he is in charge, waving the red cape in the air, and your every thought, every action is focused on him.  Every movement and his soft black curls bounce around his adorable face. Every movement and his thin fingers slip into yours. Every movement and his eyes twinkle with a light of pure bliss. Every movement and your heart pounds in your ears and pulses through every inch of your body.
One last twirl, one last spin, and he dips you.
The music ends and the crowd loses it.
All the eyes and all the spotlights are focused on you.
But you don't care because on that floor are only 2 people: you and Bruno, looking into each others eyes and breathing heavily.

As everyone goes back to their own conversations, no one notices when Bruno takes your wrist and drags you up the staircase, down the hall, and up another little flight of steps that lead to a door with a glowing hourglass. You had been in Bruno's room before but that had been years ago as a child, and even then it had been only once or twice.  He flings the door open and pulls you inside.  You basically jump through a cascading waterfall of sand and had Bruno not been holding your hand, you would have likely tumbled like a snowball down the following hill. But luckily you glide down and keep going forward until you reach the gigantic stairwell that encircles his room. There wasn't anything outstanding about his room besides the stairs that wound up several stories to his vision cave where he foretold the future and a series of wooden bridges and ropes also leading all the way up, like a ropes course at an adventure park.

He pulls you to the side of the stairs on the main floor, to the rock that is the base to the first flat ledge on the staircase. He finds a crevice on the rock face, camouflaged among its brethren and pulls it sideways, revealing a hidden sliding door. Wow. You never thought there would be anything there except for sand or possibly more sand. Before he enters, he throws a little handful of salt behind him, narrowly missing your face.  A small passageway leads to a decently sized cave with little arched notches in the wall, each with a dull yellow candle lighting the area. Together they give a cozy glow to what appears to be his bedroom. In the corner is a regular sized wooden bed with dark green bed sheets and a small bedstand next to it with a stack of books and some more candles for lighting. The walls are otherwise covered with paintings of plants and animals and bookshelves, dressed with books of every shape and size. And on the roof of the cave, pressed in tight so they don't fall, lie bits and pieces of the glass that is produced by Bruno's visions.

Bruno Madrigal x Reader: Para el FuturoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora