XVI: Gone

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(sorry for all the time skips. im just trying to keep the story going)

Five years later, and both Pepa and Julieta had 2 bouncing beautiful little toddlers. Pepa had a son named Camillo. He was a few months older than Mirabel, so we had his gift ceremony and he got the power to shape shift. What a train wreck that was at first. And still is. Aye, Camillo. And Julieta had a little girl named Mirabel. Her gift ceremony was coming up very soon and everyone was excited to see what she would get. Louisa ended up getting super strength, and she loved it...at first.

"I love being super strong, Tía, but everyone always asks for my help. Can't they just do it themselves? I mean, how many times do I have to help Señor Olando collect his donkeys."
"I know, Louisa. They need to really start doing their part. But I would talk to Abuela about this since she talks to the villagers a lot. I bet she'll help.
"Oh okay. Thanks Tía."

Even without a gift yet, you can tell that Mirabel is Bruno's favorite. She always draws him pictures of butterflies and hourglasses, and Bruno has hung up every single one in his room. He constantly takes her into his room and they play for hours together. Mirabel loves playing with Ulysses, and he loves the attention so it all works out. And Bruno always does little telenovelas for her using the rats as actors. When we all go into town together, (after Mirabel was born, Bruno started going back into town more often), she holds his hand anytime the townsfolk start being rude.
"Looks like you have a new partner, Arenito."
"What's Arenito, Tía?"
"Oh, it's just a nickname I gave to your Tío when we were kids."
"Yeah, that I never liked," he says but his smile says otherwise. "And no one could replace you, y/n... although Mirabel comes pretty close."
"Hey!" you punch his arm playfully.
As you walk by, you see people whispering and making faces. Bruno notices too which makes him look a bit glum. You hold his other hand.
"Mirabel, you're proud to be a Madrigal, right?"
"Well then let's march with our heads up to show how awesome we are!"
You both stick your heads up and begin marching down the road. Your drastic arm movements tugs Bruno into the swing and he laughs and joins in.
"You ready for your ceremony, kiddo?"
"Yeah, Tío! I can't wait to see what I get. I hope I get a really good gift."
"No doubt you will, sobrina."

The night of the gift ceremony arrives and la Casita is all hustle and bustle. Julieta has been making food for days and Pepa has been trying her best to keep her cool and not blow anything away. Bruno, despite your insistence that nothing will happen, has been staying in his room so he won't cause any problems. Mirabel walks over to you and tugs on your skirt.
"Tío Bruno will come to my ceremony, won't he?" she begins to tear up.
"Aw, cariño, of course he will. How about we go and tell him to come out here right now so that you rest easy, okay?"
She nods and you pick her up. Up the stairs and up the stairs to Bruno's room. After Camillo wandered into Bruno's room once and almost fell off one of the wooden bridges, Pepa forced Bruno to take them down. It didn't take much persuasion as Bruno did it almost immediately. He still feels bad about her wedding even though it was about 12 years ago at this point. Now his room was just a tall tower and a flight of stairs leading to his vision cave. Except of course for his actual bed room. You knock on the rock face to let him know if he's in there and tug open the secret door. You enter the room and find Bruno sitting on his red chair playing with the tassels on his ruana. Ulysses and a couple other rats scurry around on the floor next to him. Despite you knocking, he still doesn't seem to have noticed you come in.
"Wow... are those stars?" Mirabel says in an awed whisper.
You notice Bruno react to her voice, so you know he's paying attention even though he doesn't look up.
"Yes they are. Your Tío made them for me years ago as an apology for avoiding me for 4 months."
"Why was he avoiding you?"
"Because he thought he was a being a problem and no one loved him, when in reality, it was the exact opposite."
Bruno looks up.
"But I love Tío!"
"So do I, Mira. So do I."
You whisper something in Mirabel's ear and she runs over to Bruno and jumps onto his lap.

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