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This is a bit late but..... whatever 🤣


Mrs. Momobami hummed as she arranged the balls on their Christmas tree. Beneath the tree, the twins crouched, each holding a wrapped gift and a pen.

"To.. Y/n. My beloved sister." Kirari whispered. "No. No. My most loved sister..."

Beside her, Ririka looked at her with disdain. Kirari noticed so she stopped and sat up.

"What?" Kirari asked. "You love her more than me too, don't you?"

"Hmp." Ririka took her gift and turned away from her twin. She was pouting and sulking.

Kirari giggled and wrote on her gift card before leaving. Ririka only watched her sister walk away, then stared at her own gift.

"Mom! I wanna put the star!" You said while running towards Mrs. Momobami.

"Alright. Can you reach it?"

You tried to tiptoe but you still can't reach. You're already having a hard time when you feel arms circling your waist. Behind you... they were so soft.



You were lifted slightly by Mrs. Momobami. Enough for you to reach the top of the tree.

"I got it!" you exclaimed.

When you were put down, you ran back to your room. Ririka on the other hand was still staring at her gift until you came back.

"What's wrong Riri-nee?" you asked.


"Hmm. Okay, if you say so."

You crouched on the tree and put wrapped gifts under it.

"You could put your gift too, Riri-nee. I won't look at the tag."

"Oh. Okay."

Ririka wrote on her gift then put it beside the others.


During dinner, Kirari has been feeding you happily while Ririka was eating silently. You wanted to ask her what's wrong but Kirari would put a spoonful of food on your mouth everytime you attempt to talk.

After dinner, everyone gathered on their home theater to watch movies. Ririka was still the same. She doesn't seem to be enjoying the movie at all. She seems distracted.

"What's wrong with Riri-nee?" you asked Kirari who sat in between the two of you.

"Shh. Don't talk. I can't hear the movie." She said but she clearly wasn't watching. Her eyes were only trained on you.

"But Kira-nee-"

You were cut off when she pecked your lips.

"If you keep talking, I'll do more."

You blushed and kept quiet. Mrs. Momobami was beside you. Thank goodness she was focused on the movie. Your sisters are really driving you mad. Speaking of sisters, you looked back at Ririka but she wasn't on her seat anymore. You saw her stomping out of the room.

"Ri-" you clasped your mouth to stop yourself from speaking. Kirari was smirking at you.

"Where's Ririka?" Mrs. Momobami asked.

"I don't know." Kirari answered nonchalantly. "Bathroom break, maybe?"

Mrs. Momobami looked at her watch before standing up.

"Well. Looks like it's almost time anyway. The movie's done too. Let's go."

The three of you walked out of the room and towards the living room where the tree was.

"She's not here, either." Mrs. Momobami said. "I'll go get Ririka. You two, stay here okay?"

"Okay mom." Kirari answered.

"Kira-nee. Did something happen?"

"No. Now hold this up."

She gave you a kind of plant with a ribbon attached to it then lifted your hand. She stood in front of you, holding a camera.

"Stay still." she said.


Her lips crashed onto yours. A click sounded at the same time along with a flash of light. She giggled while walking away. You stood there dumbfounded.

"Y/n? Where's Kirari?" Mrs. Momobami asked.

"Right here." Kirari spoke behind her with a new gift. She then walked towards Ririka. "Merry Christmas."


"Take it. It's for you."

Ririka's lips trembled a bit and her eyes teared up.

"Thank you." Ririka whispered, wiping her eyes. She read the card attached to it.

'To Ririka. My most loved sister. I love you. From Kirari'

Everyone gave each other a gift, wishing each one a merry christmas. You picked up the extra gifts left under the tree and gave it to the maids. After the celebration, you all went to your own room to rest.


You opened the gifts you received. Mom gave you a new gaming console. Ririka's gift is a pillow. It wasn't normal though. Her face was printed on it with the words 'hug me'. Kirari's gift was too lewd to even mention.


Kirari opened the gift you gave her and put aside the others. She frowned at it and took her phone to text you.

'I prefer your nudes'


Ririka opened every gift she received. She put yours carefully on the night stand, staring at it happily for a few minutes. Then she noticed the box from Kirari.

"What could this be?" she asked herself.

She carefully opened it, wary of what's inside. Knowing Kirari, it can't be good. She peeked before opening it fully. It was a stuffed toy. Very normal. Sketchy. Ririka examined it and found a zipper at the back.

"I knew it. There's always something weird on your gifts."

She opened it and took out the contents. They were photos of them. From babies to present. Ririka was already tearing up. She was so touched by this gift. Until the last photo...


Her features darkened. The photo was the most recent one. It was you and Kirari kissing under the mistletoe.

"Kirari you're such a-"

Ririka pressed her face on her pillow and screamed angrily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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