Part 11

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"You sure your mom's know you'll sleep here?" Asked Noah as he parked at Andy's door

"Yeah" I smiled "she's Andy she's my aunt" I said and he nodded

"Alright then..." he smiled as he pecked my lips "see you tomorrow?" He asked and I nodded kissing him back

"See you" I said as I placed a kiss on his cheek

I carefully opened the door to find Andy still awake

"You awake?" I laughed

"Hey sorry. Yeah, your brother was here a while ago, we had some beers and it got late" she said and I nodded

"He's not going home right?" I said and she shook her head

"He went over to a friends house and he'll be back" she said

"Friend house?" I smiled "you mean Kate's house"

"Yeah" she smiled "so you know?"

"About my brother dating a model?" I asked

"Is she...!" She said

I laughed and said "I'm kidding Andy. But she could well be"

"Oh, right" she said "how did the party go?"

"Argh kinda boring" I lied. Specially since most of the time I had been with Noah making out

"right... I'll want details in the morning but now goodnight" she laughed as she kissed my head and headed into her room and so did I falling asleep some minutes later not being able to make Noah's beaten face up disappear

Matt's POV

"Are you ready to talk now?" said Kate as she placed her head on my chest as she carefully traced patterns on my bruised ribs

"argh, I thought you invited me to help me heal" I laughed kissing her deeply leaning on her

"and we've already did that" she said smiling pushing me away "hand me my shirt"

"no no, come on" I smiled "okay, then" I said "let's talk"

"I'm not mad you know" she said "I know you did it for the right reason"

"I know I did, my moms don't feel the same tho" I smiled down at her

"I get it cause I'm a girl of your age and I'd like to have someone stand up for me at a bar" she said "not because I'm forwards on you fist fighting"

"I know, and I am sorry" I said "you know I wouldn't have done it for other reasons"

"I know, I trust you" she smiled pecking my lips

"so, I was thinking" I said "you know, after I get all this stuff straightened up at home, you could maybe come over? As in formally come?" I said

"I'd love to" she said smiling at me with those gorgeous blue eyes "I've been willing to meet your family"

"They'll love you" I said

"hoping so" she said "you spending the night here?" she asked

"your parents will be back in the morning, don't want to risk it" I said as I began to get dressed again

Sophie's POV

I was totally asleep when I heard the door opening

"Matt?" I asked confused as I opened my eyes

"shoot, sorry, you here?" he said as he walked closer

"yeah, I didn't know you were coming back" I said

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