Part fifty-five: the goodbye pain

Start from the beginning

He was down with flu that time. He couldn't even see or feel Earth at that time, but Mix knew that Earth was there with him. Especially that night when he dreamed about it.

He was scared, so scared after that dream—but it was only a dream. Until it wasn't.

How could he dream about it? How was it possible...Did he—did he know that it will happen and yet he did nothing to stop it?

Mix shouldn't have ignored that dream. He should have thought about it every single second so that he would come up with something. He should have, he should have, he should.

Earth was gone, and it was after all Mix's fault. No matter how much he had tried to pretend it wasn't, it was—his and his fault, only.

He was crying again, but this time it was tears of anger and regret. He hated himself, he hated this cabin, he hated his grandmother for asking him to come here. He hated everything. He hated Eart—

No, he didn't. Mix could never hate Earth. None of this was Earth's fault. None of it.

Mix squinted his eyes, shaking his head with so much force, making his neck hurt. He couldn't stay in the cabin anymore. He just couldn't. The cabin had too much of Earth in it. Mix couldn't—he couldn't be there.

If he wanted to get better, he had to leave.

Mix slowly unwrapped himself from their blanket, shuffling through the cabin to his bag that was still laying on the floor next to the front door.

It took him a minute or two to find his phone and charger. He needed to know how long he had been in this state.

Mix got to the cabin on the 1st of January—when he looked at his phone screen lighting up as he plugged it into power, he didn't know what to feel. It was January 3rd 11:20 PM. He was like that for almost three days—it wasn't good for him, it was too long. And yet, it felt like he should feel like that and worse for way longer.

It was Sunday—sheriff LeBlanc should be at the cabin in a few hours, making his Monday visit and bringing with him fresh groceries.

What was sheriff LeBlanc going to say when Mix tells him that there was no need for groceries because he was leaving and this time for good? Especially after he made a crazy scene precisely because he needed to get to this very cabin?

It didn't matter. The sheriff could think about him whatever he wanted to—they probably won't see each other ever again anyway.

Mix made his way to the kitchen, he needed to eat something, he felt sick from a lack of nutrients in his body. It was hard to eat something but he had to.

He found some cereals and bananas, mixing it all together he was eating one spoon after another, but his mind wasn't there. His mind was already saying a silent goodbye to the old sofa, their fluffy blanket—Mix couldn't force himself to take it with him, he just couldn't—to the fireplace, their small but strangely comfortable bed upstairs, the lake and his favourite maple tree...

He will miss it all, but it would be nothing compared to how badly he already missed Earth.

He was saying goodbye to everything in the cabin, but he wasn't saying goodbye to Earth. Earth will never be with Mix physically ever again, but he will be in Mix's heart, in his mind, in his smile, in the way he will look at the world. Earth will be there with Mix every step of the way. No matter how much time will pass, no matter how old Mix will get, no matter who will he meet in the future—Earth will still be with him.


It was Monday, almost noon. Mix was sitting on the sofa, his fingers stroking the painting that Earth painted for him. Mix still couldn't understand how could Earth paint it so vividly.

He ran his finger on the maple leaf, a tiny almost invisible smile appeared on his dry lips—this was the only physical thing he had from Earth. It was the only thing he was taking with him from this cabin.

Strangely it didn't pain Mix to look at it, rather it made him feel at peace. This painting was part of Earth, the kind of part that Mix could look at every single day even when Earth wasn't with him anymore. For that, it was the most precious thing Mix possessed.

A sudden knock on the door almost scared Mix. The clock was showing a few seconds before noon. Sheriff LeBlanc was there. Mix stood up from the sofa, carefully putting the painting on the table.

There was another knock, this time louder as he was approaching the door. Mix swiftly skipped a few more steps ready to welcome sheriff LeBlanc.

He did a few more steps and opened the door.


To be continued...

P.S. Earth is baaaack...or is he? 👻

If you follow me on Twitter you may know that I recently shared some info about my next AU. We are almost at the end of Ghost Cabin and even though I'm starting to be sad about having to say goodbye to our fluffy ghost-human couple, I also can't wait to embark on a new journey with all of you, my amazing readers. 🙈🤎❤

GHOST CABIN ☆ EARTHMIX AUWhere stories live. Discover now