Chapter 4: Thieves and Trickery

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Sophie and Krystal were up before Kevin as he was getting ready to get a new toothbrush; the girls began eating breakfast since the two like to eavesdrop so, they'd wager how long it'll take for the aftershave to sting.

"You know, I bet it'll be like ten seconds." Sophie grinned from the kitchen with Krystal.

"Nah, five and no more." Getting paid to wager on her brother with his gal pal, who Krystal knows they like another.

"With that, I'm in great shape," Kevin said, but Krystal and Sophie could hear the scream from downstairs.

"I win," Krystal said as Sophie sighed, giving her the ten she owed

Sophie and Krystal hid the money, and both propped on the counter elbows using their fists used to rest their chins on it as Kevin walked into the kitchen with a confused look on him to the girls.

"Why do you two act weird behind my back?" He asked curiously.

"Sorry, Kevin, it's nothing, so let's go get that toothbrush?" Sophie asked

A smile showed, and they went to get the toothbrush, arriving at the small store while the girls browsed. Kevin went up to the counter. It was in distinct until old man Marley came. Krystal grinned and nudged Sophie with her elbow as she looked at her than in front.

"This should be good," Krystal commented, and Sophie chuckled as she now was talking to Kevin "hey, Kevin looked its old man Marley."

This scared him as he saw the old man standing next to him, so he'd back up as the clerk said he had to pay for that heading out the door running.

"Oh, great." Sophie sighed, and they went after him.


They heard, running through the ice skating rink and into the frozen snow heading back to the side of the road as each walked beside him on different sides.

"I'm a criminal." He said to himself.

"Well, Kevin, you did steal that toothbrush," Krystal said honestly.

"Now that's helpful..." Sophie said to her, "but look, no one knows, okay, but not much." She turned to speak to Kevin now.

Arriving home, they didn't see the car in front of them.

"I can do what I want if I want to!" Marv shouted to Harry, looking to the road, "watch out!"

Standing in front of the car, he screamed as all three moved, heading home, but not before getting the attention from the driver's seat.

"Hey, you should watch out, kids." One said

"Yeah, santy Claus, don't visit the funeral homes buddies." Another said.

Kevin watched and replied, "sorry." That was all he could say.

"Alright, Merry Christmas." He smiled as his gold tooth twinkled in the sun.

The three kids all looked at him and gasped, slowly turning around.

"What's wrong?" Marv asked

In response, Harry replied, "I don't like how those kids looked at me."

"Let's see whose house they go to," Marv said.

The van slowly followed them as the other pretended he wasn't doing anything. Once the kids turned abit as they began to drive closer, they ran to the house as a diversion as they went to the back of the church dressed up as the same to hide them.

The two men looked for abit at the replica then drove off. Kevin with the girls looked up as they began running back home.

"When they come back, we'll be ready."

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