Chapter 1: Meet the McCallister's

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A/N: The title is based on "Meet the Fockers"

-McCallister House - Night before the trip - 5:46 PM -

It sounded like a zoo from the outside but it was a literal zoo indistinct chatter is heard as we see people going back and forth a cop trying to get someone's attention and the husband and wife well the wife on the phone just as they were packing, meanwhile, two eight-year-olds longtime friends began walking to his parent's bedroom.

"Mom, Uncle Frank won't let us watch the movie, but the big kids can, why can't I?"

"Kevin, I'm on the phone." she turned putting her hand on the speaker "Sophie I thought you were going to keep him out of our room?"

"Not my fault your child doesn't listen!"

Kevin ignores and continues "It's not even rated R; he's just being a jerk."

Suddenly the two mischief kids jumped on Kate's bed reading a book.

"Hey, hey, hey, get off, get out of the room."

"Hang up the phone and make us why don't ya."

In a muttering tone "oh, these kids." She said with an exhale.

Peter walks in asking Kate "have you had any time to pick up a voltage adapter?"

"No, I didn't have time to get one." She replied.

"Dad, no one lets us do anything," Kevin whined and winced when she hit him on the shoulder for involving her.

"You got nothing to do, I got something for you two to do why don't you two pick up those micro machines, Aunt Leslie stepped on one of those and almost broke her neck," Peter said facing the two children.

Kate turned and speaks to peter "They were outside again playing with the glue gun again." she said informing her husband where the two mischiefs were at.

Looking at the parents the two of them made 'don't bring it up' hand gestures

"Again? Didn't we talk about that?"

Kevin replies "did we burn down the joint? I don't think so, we were making ornaments out of fishhooks."

"My new fishhooks?" Peter asked the two.

"We can't make ornaments out of the old ones with dry worm guts all over 'em."

Kate wanted them out, so she tried to get Peter's attention "Peter..." the two of them were already driving her crazy and with packing, the family it was nuts, so she needed peace from them for a bit.

Starting to pick him up Aunt Leslie came asking "do you guys have a voltage adapter? -" Putting Kevin in her hands Peter replies "here! here's your voltage adapter." she began laughing at his weight now "Oh, you're getting heavy, Sophie he's supposed to be your problem now, so go pack your suitcases."

Walking to the hallway he stopped, freaking out. "pack... our suitcases?"

Sophie sighed finally talking "Really Kevin?" She asked.

He just gave her the look like she is supposed to be on his side on stuff but according to her... not with the family around no.

Tracy asked Fuller walking in the room "Do you know where the shampoo is?"

Fuller answered hands spread out "I don't live here." in a tone with 'why ask me? This isn't my house.'

"I don't believe it with this many people there's no shampoo." She said walking to the other room.

The Police officer asked Tracy "Pardon me, are your parents here?"

She replied starting to walk up the stairs "Yeah but they don't live here."

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