Lust (Five)

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Jimmy's P.O.V

"I want to marry you one day Lisa. It will be only us." A smile formed on her lips. The  beach was perfect now at night. The sun was just about to set. She looked at me with promising eyes. I faced her slowly and gazed into her eyes.  I slowly got myself on one knee. Her eyes widened as she realized what was taking place. I pulled the small red velvet box out of my jean pocket. I looked up at her. She was crying

"Lisa Anne" Her head bobbed slowly. I took her hands

"will you Marry me"

She began to nod indicating yes.  "Yes" Her tears began to fall and a smile formed on her face.

I stood up and placed the ring on her finger. It looked perfect on her hand. That night was the happiest night of our lives, The wedding plans from then on where based on what she felt. There was no theme or anything. She wore a white and black fitted dress. Everything about that night was perfect, It felt like it was just me and her the entire time, I constantly forgot that. Either way it was perfect and I knew that very well. And I knew she did too

I was brought back from my thought by Brian yelling for me to get my ass together so we can find the girls. I got up quickly and fallowed him out to the car, They where just leaving. Lisa wore a plain strapless black dress, Too casual for a club but I knew she didn't intend on dancing.

Veronica on the other hand was wearing more club clothing. Nothing out of her comfort zone though.

As Brian drove I watched their car in front of me, I couldn't get my mind off of what I had done to drive her away. It still made me sick to my stomach. She wold not talk to me but I had to try to convince her that I was sorry.

we fallowed the girls inside the club nonchalantly. They never suspected a thing.

"You watch Lis and I'll watch V" Brian yelled over the music in the back round, I was looking for Lisa but the crowd in front me had lost her from my sights. Normally I would be able to pick her out with no problem at all. But this time it was different. I found myself looking at every women but her. They all had a certain something about them that attracted me to them. None of them resembled Lisa.

"quit browsing we have something to do Jim" Brian yelled again. I nodded slowly and continued looking. If she caught me here I knew I would be dead. she would never speak to me, let alone let me around October but It would make me look worse and It was a risk I was unwilling to take. I was still madly in love with her

Brian pulled on my arm. He must have found the girls. I glanced at my tattoo of Lisa on my upper arm. The way the light hit it made her portrait seem to glow and all the beautiful features about her came alive and shown right then. I was memorized as I walked still having the light shine on it. As we got closer to the table the light faded.And soon I was unable to see the tattoo all together.

"what are you doing, we can't tell them we are here" Brian shook his head and gave me a gesture to look in their direction.

There, I saw the unthinkable. Her with someone wrapped around some guy I have never seen before, I could not make out his face in the darkness, He appeared to be her height, or very close to it. Then I began to think if Zack was still on the bus when we had left, If that was him then my suspicions where correct and they where dating. My heart began to sink. My Lisa with someone else, Now I knew how she felt when she saw me with Leana. I must have broke her heart and now she resents me for it.

I wanted to leave the club and sunk in my bunk for a bit but Brian had other plans for us. He felt like staying and watching the two.

"Found you" A female voice spoke up. My eyes widdened, Veronica. But how did she see me here? in the dark?

"I saw you both leave. I didn't say anything but that can all be arranged" She said with a tone. I did not want that. But maybe this was wrong to be spying on her. After all I was supposed to be the one who did not have feelings for her. That all ended.

we turned back to see Lisa. She never noticed us three standing here. Then I saw him in the light of the club. I would never forget the Man with Green eyes. I should have known all along that it was him. I placed a hand on the back of my neck, I began to walk out of the club. I wanted nothing to do with anyone anymore. No one said anything. They just let me leave. All I wanted was a shot that I would never get. I can see my time is up.

I lost the best that I could never get again

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