Three (In memory of you)

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The week passed as the tour went on. I held October as The guys played on stage. Their amazing I thought and they had come so far. It was unbelievable. So much has happened to me that I was unable to see past it all.

October slept in my arms as we felt the vibrations of the drums and guitars on stage. I have to say, If I was a small child, The sounds of the vibrations would make me sleepy too. She was a perfect child. She looked just like Paul. And I treasured every minute with her.

The set ended a half hour later. Val looked over at me as everyone was coming off stage. They looked worn out but the fans loved it. I caught a glimpse of Zack, I had to admit, he looked damn good for someone who just played a two hour show. October slurred in her sleep and I held her tighter. I placed my  head down to remember all those memories of Paul. He would be so proud of his little girl.

Jimmy walked past me. The sadness shown in his blue eyes. I did not want to see him like that. But to know what he did and to admit how deeply it hurt me, killed my soul. I did not want to be reminded of something like that. It was too much to think of

I remembered Veronica's words as I looked at Jimmy as he continued walking. We did have some good times together. And believe me they where fun. But that was then. He did too much damage to ever get a second shot. And he knew that. His tramp wrapped her legs around him. I wanted to kill him. Braining someone around here and in front of a baby. He has nerve. I would never bring someone near the baby. I now see what type of man he is.

The night came quick. Veronica and I where walking to a coffee shop with the baby. There would be no way I would leaver her alone in the bunks with Avenged sevenfold. It's too dangerous.

"So Lis, talked to Jimmy" She asked. I looked at her and shook my head. I would never talk to him even if the world would end in a split second

"No. And I never will" I said as coldly as I could

She shook her head. "You two where in love, how could you just ignore it" I laughed slightly. "He did it" i said. She shrugged. I had a point because the day after the divorce was final he had a girl hanging on his arm. And it was not Leana. Someone I have never seen before.

"You'll show him. Do a godsgirls shoot and make him see how hot and amazing you are. Then he'll realize he lose the most best thing on this earth" She said. My eyes widened. She was so right! How could I have not thought of that??. I smirked. I knew exactly how I would do this.

"You know V, I had a shoot in mind that would do the trick" I said in a sly tone. She grinned. This would turn out perfect. That would show him. We returned to the Bus and I put October down. Veronica watched her as I made a phone call to Adam to explain that I wanted a shoot done tomorrow.

I went to find Zack and sat on his lap. Nothing to hint that I was his girlfriend. We would keep it low for a while. So far it was working out well. Veronica went By Brian. They where so cute together. I glanced at Jimmy who had hate in his eyes. I smirked and kissed Zack's cheek. He gave me a look and I reassured him it would be fine. I got up and soon went to bed right after. Zack followed of course. This night would be interesting. 

It Takes everything for me to say three little words to youKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat