Broken Dreams

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You want to be someone in life?
You want to do something people will remember you by?

Well, get on the damn waiting list, you're only 7 billion places behind.

You want to leave home and get an apartment with your best friend?
Well, here's a curveball for you, can you catch it with your head?

You're missing one important variable in that equation, miss, you don't have any friends.

Oops, I guess we were wrong, all everyone really cares about is what's on the outside.

No no, don't worry, you're next in line.
For the end of time.

No time for goodbyes, I said you're next in line.
You can take your misery and pain aboard, but everything else must go.

Hurry, it's about to snow.

Time to go.

Authors note:
Hey guys, I do NOT believe any of this, I believe that anything is possible if you try hard enough. And I think that everyone is beautiful, inside and out.
It was just an idea, I wanted to write it down.

Plus, I love you guys, thanks for reading!!! :D you all rock!!!

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