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I'm just an apprentice,
Standing behind others and wearing dark colors,
I don't know much yet and I don't make the right choices,
And I'm still weak and frail.

I'm just a warrior,
Fighting with words and crying out loud,
Laughing in dark places, and wearing colors proudly,
I'm not perfect, but my strength is growing,
And I know now that maybe not everything is possible,
But the things that matter are.

I'm just a master,
I know that people can hurt you, and words can scar you,
But I don't care, because I know I matter,
And that's all I really need,
I'm happy, and the world seems brighter to me.

I will pass on my legacy.

You are my apprentice,
I will train you to love yourself and show you that it's ok to be afraid.
You will grow to be strong and happy.
And soon, you will become a master yourself.

And when I pass on, you will carry on my legacy.

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