Alfred took a shallow breath, clearing his head as he stepped forward, the shaking was relentless and despite the cold weather he knew it was far more than that. 

       This, he had to believe, was his start, and Spades end.

Nineteen years prior

     The door gave a small metallic click as it was shut behind the two, filling the vacant hallway with a noise that sent them into a state of alert, the taller of them turning to face the shorter man who stood in-front of him, features patient and not much caring that they were in the dead of night doing something they probably shouldn't have been, fighting to suppress his giddiness only for the candle light to expose the corners that pulled to a grin. Snatching the others hand as he pulled him through, a bounce to his step as the taller one killed what light was surrounding them to mask their escape. 

      He kept up with an ease, holding on without much of a grip knowing even if one of them let go they could keep up, the two having grown up together despite their age difference, thus gaining a similar stamina that remained no matter how their lifestyles differed. Advancing in his steps he took the lead, taking them out through the back entrance through the gardens, slipping between high wound trellises. Wind nipping at what skin was exposed through their wool clothing, instructing one another to watch out for low hanging branches and tree roots that stuck out a little too much for either of the men's taste, keeping low as to avoid the chance of being caught by the guards. 

     Reaching their destination they let go of one another's hands, their palms sweaty as they shook them in the cold night air, dragging them on their pants to rid of the residue. "Explain to me again," Huffing out slightly as the moonlight exposed the other's green eyes that had far too much delight within them, the other's heart slamming in his chest as he turned his gaze back to the forest floor, "Why we had to do this at night?"

     The answer was nothing short of enthusiastic, joined by an arm swung over his shoulders as he was turned into a beam for the other who smiled up at the sky. "It's much more fun this way, is it not? Gives you a rush of adrenaline that you've never seen before." Speaking between breaths.

      Shaking his head followed with an unnoticed eye roll before moving out from under the other man's, watching the other fall down into what was left of the snow with a small laugh. Winter had come to a screeching halt early March to their surprise, only a few months prior had the arrangements been made around January, "Oh, you mean like that time we tried to scale the palace walls?" Layering his sarcasm thicker than mercury, they may have only been in their pre adolescence but that was still a punishable crime.

      The other not picking up on the tone in the slightest, looking up at the other who was taking a looking to their surroundings from the towering trees that shook and swayed their empty branches, they had missed their meeting mark with the path of the mountains being a few yards away he realized. Thoughts disrupted at the other's jovial voice collecting himself, "Exactly!" 

       "That was not fun, we almost got charged." Correcting the other, offering a hand to help the other up, who accepted without a second thought if he would be tossed back down into the damp earth if he was to dare say something thoughtless. 

      "Almost," He accentuated with a hand to the other's shoulder, his own shadow engulfed by the man who glared down at him.

      "You know, I did find the papers from then, you're lucky the King was lenient when it came to kids." There had been a section where it was written that it had been nothing short of youth and peer influence, and the two would learn their lesson due to their ages - although the two had lied and claimed to be far younger than they really were, able to be pulled off by the blonde always having a lanky stance and smeared in dirt wherever he went. Informing the other as his voice wavered into a mutter, grabbing onto the other's coat sleeve careful to not rip the fabric, taking it upon himself to not get their asses chewed out.

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