Almost Had You

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"--Ha, Eun Ha!"

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"--Ha, Eun Ha!"

"Oh my God!"

"You've been spacing out!"

Eun Ha clears her throat and pretends to type something on her computer. "Sorry. What were you saying?"

She shakes her head, deciding to let her go. "Are you ready for the meeting this afternoon? The Research Department has been asking too many sources and discussion this time. I think we should make a back -up plan just in case they reject our proposal."

She nods and hands her the material she has been working on since yesterday. Ever since they came back from the gathering, everyone seems to be pumped up about the work. Nonetheless, the point of making everyone bond stronger seems to work.

But really, in her case it makes her confused.

For a few days, she has been walking like she was in the ground full of grenades. She becomes too jumpy about almost everything and her coworkers who notice this have been asking about her strange behavior. Of course, she can't even say what is going on with her because she can't even sort out her own sanity for the past few days.

"Let's make this meeting quick." In Yeop says with a firm tone once he steps into the room that is full of people from his and her department.

It's all because of the man that sits across from her.

Through the meeting, she can't even look up from her papers. She tries to focus on her manager who is explaining the project up front but can't even focus on him when it's his turn to speak. She tries so hard to keep her words steady when it's her turn to explain her behalf.

When the meeting finally comes to an end, she can finally feel a little relaxed to know that in a few minutes she'll be out of this stuffy room.

"Let's have lunch together, shall we?" Her manager suddenly suggests out of nowhere which almost everyone agrees on.

At the chicken restaurant, everyone seemed to be in a good mood since the meeting ended well. But even the heavenly smell of flavored fried chicken doesn't even make her appetite up.

"You should eat more, Eun Ha." one of her coworkers reminds her about her eating habit again since he notices that she ate little nowadays.

"I really don't feel like eating." she whispers back at him, her face clearly shows she is in nausea.

"Are you sick?" He looks concerned.

She quickly shakes her head, "You should eat."

"Do you want to order anything?"

Feeling guilty that she makes him worry, she finally agrees. "Jjigae would be good. Thanks."

Across from her table, In Yeop watches the interaction and how the man casually taps on her shoulder, reassuring, makes him slightly frown. At the obvious stare, his table notices this and follows his sight. Some of them already elbow each other until one of them finally voicing out their curiosity.

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