I giggle at his failed attempt, but go along with it anyway, and Rose's slightly overwhelmed expression. She goes to open the door, clarifying before she does, "Two hundred thousand?"

He nods as he grins at her, enjoying this, no matter how much he'll deny it, "Two hundred thousand."

Rose leans over and opens the door, beckoning Adam out. And his jaw hits the floor instantly as he takes a step out. I let out a laugh as I see his face, hoping I didn't look like that, and I feel the Doctor squeeze my shoulder from behind as he watches them jump with laughter.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it." Rose comforts him, and I find myself wondering on how long she's planning on keeping him with us.

"Where are we?" He questions her, and an excited smile grows across her face at getting to show off her 'skills'.

"Good question, let's see." She pauses to 'take in the room,' "Well, um, judging by the architecture, I'd say we're around the year, two hundred thousand?" She questions lightly before she continues, "And if you listen, engines- we're on some sort of space station. Yeah, definitely a space station." I make a face at the Doctor, definitely impressed with her quick thinking, making him chuckle silently at me.

"It's a bit warm in here- they could turn down the heating." I mutter as I take off my flannel an tie it around my waist. I look down at my outfit now, and sigh; I look the most hipster I hope to ever look, in my life.

Rose nods back at me, agreeing about the heat, before she takes off, "Tell you what, let's try that gate. Come on!" She ushers us over, and Adam follows, with his jaw still hanging, like a lost puppy dog. The Doctor chuckles and grabs my hand as we follow after them.

As we walk through the gate, we come upon a viewing window, with the Earth as the focal-point.

"Here we go, this is- well, I'll let the Doctor describe it." She sounds a bit breathless as she takes in the view. The Doctor rolls his eyes in jest, "Oh, yeah, thanks." I chuckle at him, and he squeezes my hand, making me blush some. But both Rose and Adam are too taken in by the view to notice, and the Doctor starts to explain, "The Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire, and there it is. Planet Earth at its height, covered with mega-cities, five moons, population ninety six billion."

"Wow, it's amazing." I say, proud of my not-so-little anymore, home planet.

The Doctor smiles down at me before he continues, "The hub of a galactic domain, stretching across a million planets, a million species with mankind right in the middle." And even though I did nothing to make it that way, pride bursts from inside me, making me grin like an idiot.

I hear Adam faint behind us as I groan, "You really know how to pick 'em Rosie." And she huffs in my direction, but leaves him there, making me smirk at her.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When we finally arouse Adam, we walk through the halls, filled with people. The Doctor holds my hand, and his other is around Adam's neck, leading him, Rose walks in front of us.

"Come on Adam," The Doctor encourages, "Open your mind. You're going to like this fantastic period of history." And without meaning to, I snort. The Doctor looks at me in confusion, and I tell him, "I think I'm going to keep a counter. 'How many Fantastic's, can he say in an adventure?' That, will count as one." I chuckle as I watch the un-amused expression cross his face, and he nudges my shoulder before finishing his explanation.

"The human race at its most intelligent; culture, art, politics, this era has got fine food, good manners"- "Out of the way!" Someone shouts as they pass by us. The people run about, it's loud and chaotic, there's a vendor selling, "cronkburger," it's nothing as the Doctor described.

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