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I can't sleep acheing chills up my back, I'm beginning to think I'm insane, crazy in so many ways I began to want to scream, I want to rewind everything I have ever said to a guy, rewind all the feelings I ever had about guys, I want to go a year without talking to guys, a year without having guys say I'm beautiful, a year without debating on who I like more, a year without caring what I look like on rainy days. A year of just smiling because I can, a year of writing poetry with everyone knowing My feeling's that I write that I create that I hurt, that I smile and I believe.

If knowing...

If I knew what I was looking for would I not be so hopeless would I be forgiven loved and cared for? Would life be like looking into a mirror imperfections upon imperfections life just seems worthless not knowing what to do next. Wishing for help but not knowing how to ask for help just scared of being pushed away scared of [poem: inspirations inspired by family and friends ]

Inspirations come truly from the hearts and thoughts of everyone around you, inspirations are kind in thought being inspired feels good to the heart and to the mind, inspirations are inspired by the people you almost always know and if you don't know you really should know or maybe you even want to know..... 06-14-10


Slimey and green, tongues as long as can be..


Their gross as can be, small or big, loud or quiet as a mouse, bright colored or dull colored in nature..

My love for you

My Love for you hurts, but it seems so easy to have love for you, but I know and realize every time I love you more, you love me more but it hurts. My love for you brings happiness just caring brings you happiness, I can hear it in your voice. My love for you is strong you hold onto it never letting my love for you crumble. My love grows stronger everyday knowing that you love me even though we both know all we have is our love for each other. .


Leadership consists of being dedicated and, motivated, leadership is in the heart and minds of everyone, leadership is stepping on to the plate, making decisions, giving ideas being a good sport, and being open-minded to new thoughts and ideas of others. Being a leader consists of being on timel and having true pride. Having professionalism, responsibilty, integrity, discipline and enthusiasm are the many traits that makes a leader a leader.


Popcorn popcorn popcorn a craving u can see it melts in your mouth and its really buttery and it makes your fingers sticky and icky great for watching movies you see..


I wish relationships we're easy, loving was easy but for me it just never works, I Love to hear u love me I love saying it back but theirs just one reason I have forbidden Love for u it hurts like hell to say.


life is full of good surprises and bad it just is how you look at it because life is mostly great even when the times life is the most hectic. ..

A new friend

A new friend is great as can be they don't know much about you but they learn a lot about you they take the action to get to know you they become your true friends they are their for you in any type of situation, you know that you have to be their for them no matter what, you sometimes make the wrong decisions but than you turn it around and be there for them and than laugh and everything turns out great.

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