Chapter 9: Just Getting Started

Start from the beginning

"What the heck is taking so long?! I just want something to eat, okay?" Niall cuts in before Harry could start yelling at Louis. "Harry just give us the food for free, then we'll leave you alone. And by the way, I want ten chocolate chip cookies. And Zayn said he wants two croissants. 'Cause he's fancy like that."

"You heard him, Curly. Get my five biscuits, two croissants for Malik, and make it fifty cookies. We're grown lads, aren't we, Nialler?"

"Did you just try to do math?" Harry asks instead.

"Barbara! Harold isn't doing his j- "

"Oh my gosh! Just shut up and I'll get your freaking food, you maniac," the green-eyed lad hisses after covering Louis' mouth with his hand. "You guys so owe me for this. I hope you get ulcers one day."

The two blue-eyed lads look at him as if they just got offended, but really weren't; the dramatic a**holes. Harry rolls his eyes at them and starts picking out the food Louis and Niall are choosing by pointing them out for him. Zayn calls out that he wants coffee too, and Louis demands some tea for himself. Harry nearly spits in their food, but stops himself when he realizes Barbara might see him do it and fire him on the spot.

"You're all a bunch of garbage trucks," he snaps back when they whine about him taking too long.

"And you're a curly-haired turtle. Hurry up already. We're wilting away as we speak," Louis complains, dramatically draping himself over the counter.

"Then stop speaking."

"You're not very nice. They shouldn't have hired you."

"Louis, I swear, if you keep talking, I will drown you in tea and - "

He stops himself when he sees two people walk through the door, one of which looks way too familiar for his liking. Harry groans and ducks down behind the counter so hopefully that person won't see him.

"Harry? Where'd you go? We're not kidding when we say we're hungry," Niall calls out.

"Shh! Oh my god. I can't believe he's here."

"Who?" Louis asks, turning around to see who Harry's talking about. Once he spots that person, he narrows his eyes and looks down at Harry from the other side of the counter. "Harold, if you invited him to come here and watch you work, you might as well be a stripper."

"What?! What the hell, Lou? I don't wanna be stripper!"

"Then why the hell is Liam here? Stop pretending you don't know! This is probably what you wanted all along."

"Actually, I came here 'cause my mate and I are hungry," Liam states as he walks up to the counter, peering down at Harry as he's crouched on the ground.

Louis scoffs and sneers at Liam. "Oh, please. You just wanted to see him shake his money-makers."

Harry's eyes widen and he stands up from where he was trying - but obviously failing, at hiding. "Excuse me! I was not and will not shake any 'money-makers' for him! I don't even know what 'money-makers' you're talking about, Lou! There will be no shaking of any of whatever you're talking about!"

"By the way, you'd make a great stripper," Liam declares nonchalantly, winking at a now blushing Harry.

"What the f***?! Who says something like that? And why are you blushing, Curly? I thought you didn't find him attractive, you liar!" Louis yells frantically, waving his hands in front of Harry's face.

"I - I don't!"


"That, you are," the brown-eyed lad pipes in, leaning on his arms that he placed on the counter to peer up at Harry. "I don't suppose you want me to remind you of what happened earlier today, do you? Although I wouldn't mind."

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