Transporting to TBOAH

Start from the beginning

"H-human, you're small!" Raon exclaimed, his face flushed.

"And cute nya!" On cooed, prodding the plump hands of the little redhead.

Eruhaben and the ones that didn't turn into children, including Ron, Deruth, Violan, and, strangely, a Sheritt who isn't sealed, nodded in accord to the cat's remark.

"Small....?" Cale scowled as he looked down to discover his once-large hands had shrunk to the size of a child's.

"Haaa... you unlucky bastard, you opened a divine item didn't you?" Eruhaben palmed himself in the face in frustration.

"I'm not dead this time; it appears that my body has traveled back in time," Sheritt hummed, taking in her surroundings and her current strength.

"It appears that we have been transported to another dimension." —and in the Birth of a Hero. Cale sighed heavily and spoke.

"That's not even the worst part," Eruhaben added, jabbing a finger over his shoulder to gesture to his companions, who had all turned into children.

Cale's mouth fell open as he gazed behind the golden dragon. Even them...?

He can see Toonka, Litana, Witira, Archie, and almost all of his allies that participated in the war.

Worse of all, they all turned into their bodies when they were five years old, but their strength is still the same.

Can they all fit in the Super Rock Villa?

"Young Master-nim," Witira greeted him and the others followed.

"My friend! You look very adorable!" Toonka said and laughed afterwards, his voice still harsh even in his kid body.

"Dongsaeng... what did you do again?" Alberu who is now five years old, spoke in a stressful tone.

"This is a miracle created by our God Cale-nim!" Clopeh knelt down and clasped his hands together to make a prayer.

"Wait... why am I alive again?" The dragon half-blood gazed at his small hands before hastily grabbing his cheeks and rubbing them together to see whether he was still alive.

"I'm... I'm little again..." They all turned around to gaze at the young Mary with the twins alongside her when they heard a GPS voice speak to them.

"It's okay, we're small too," Hannah reassured the little girl.

Their bodies may have changed into those of a five-year-old, but their appearance has not changed; the effects of the dead mana remained on their skin.

Suddenly, a dark aura shot up into the sky, and an adult Choi Han can be seen fighting with the enemy.

"It appears that our counterparts have arrived," Cale said, staring at the grownup Choi Han with a blank expression, trying not to shudder internally. It wasn't any ordinary grownup Choi Han; it was the original protagonist from The Birth of a Hero.

"Human, our tiny Choi Han appears to be stronger than the adult Choi Han!"

Little Choi Han nodded in agreement.

"Let's concentrate on getting rid of those first, and then we'll talk about it afterwards," Cale said, his voice exhausted.

"Cale-nim, since I'm not your enemy anymore, may I be called Not-Enemy-Clopeh?" Clopeh asked as he saw his counterpart exchange blows with the black swordmaster.

"Then I'll be nicknamed Stronger Choi Han," Little Choi Han remarked, playing with the hilt of his enormous sword.

"Human, that sounds a good idea! I want to be called Stronger Raon Miru!"

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