Transporting to TBOAH

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Cale was relaxing in his rocking chair, listening to the birds chirping outside the window, on a beautiful and sunny afternoon. He clutched a small piece of grape in his fingers as he relished the pleasant air that was blowing through the room.

"Human, we found something in the library!"

Cale cocked his head slightly in response to the loud noise, wincing as he did so from the stiffness in his shoulders.

"What book is it?"

For the past several days, his children have spent much too much time in the library looking for books that will entertain them, particularly night time stories for children, so that he can read the books to them.

"It looked fancy so we get it nya!"

Raising his brow, he made the effort to raise his hand to motion to his children to come closer so that he could check the book.

"It suddenly fell down the floor so we noticed it!" Raon said in an excited voice.

"Hm..." He hummed faintly in acknowledgment as the black dragon handed him the book.

It certainly is a fancy book, similar to the princess storybooks he once saw in the library near their workplace back in his world. The difference was that the book appeared to be ancient; it was neither dusty nor wrinkled as if it had been well-cared for.

Yet, the last time he went to the library, he had never seen a book like this. Perhaps he just didn't notice it?

"Human, can you read it to us?" Raon requested in a pleading voice.

"Please?" Hong hopped up on his lap and gave him the trademark puppy eyes Choi Han had taught them.

"Pleaaase?" On followed her brother, doing the same.

"Of course," Cale offered a slight nod and smile. He doesn't have anything else to do. Since defeating the White Star, all they've done is slack off, loot someone, and tend to their farm. And every now and then, he'll have a family dinner with his allies.

When he pushed his palm on top of the ancient-looking book, it trembled under his hold, causing him to frown —was it just me? Cale murmured to himself.

The trembling went wild as soon as he opened the book, and a dazzling glow emerged from it.

"Human! I think there's something wrong with the book!" Raon yelled and went closer to Cale to cover him.

Cale's frown deepened, his gaze firmly fixed on the pages, which were now flipping themselves at a rapid pace.

"I knew it, fucking ancient books." He muttered lowly, scowling.

As a cacophony of shouting voices neared him from outside the bedroom, the light skyrocketed through the ceiling, demolishing it in the process.

"Young master!"


"You unlucky bastard, what did you do again?"

"Human, move out—!"


The echoes of cries and screaming voices rang across their surroundings as the sound of the wyverns screeching violently reverberated.

"Wha... how did I get here?" Rosalyn blinked as she glanced up at the wyverns flying in the sky approaching them at an average speed. She was just chilling in her tower awhile ago.

"A light shot through the sky in Young Master's bedroom, and now we're here," Ron explained as he looked worriedly at his son, who had regressed to his original height when he was just ten years old.

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