Duel at Malfoy Manor

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Scorpius's POV

Mum and I waited a while after Dad went up, then we slowly climbed up the stairs. Mum opened the door from the cellar an inch wide and we saw what was happening.

We were in the living room. Dad had his wand out and was pointing it at the intruders. They were three of them, all wearing black robes and masks. Yup, definitely Death Eaters. I hadn't seen Death Eaters in a long time, ever since a few years ago when they tried to recruit Dad, Mum and I into joining them. Like that was ever gonna happen.

"Put down your wand, Malfoy," the one in the middle snarled. He was definitely the leader, judging by the confidence he showed and the way the others glanced at him, waiting for orders. "You're smart enough to know that you can't possibly duel all three of us."

"Why are you here, Macnair?" Dad asked angrily. 

"Oh, the same reason as last time," Macnair said, smirking.

"Unless you are as foolish as I remember, you'd realize that my answer is no, and it never will change," Dad said with a lot more confidence than I would have showed.

"Ah, but you see, Draco, I'm here on personal orders from Lucius Malfoy," Macnair snarled. "He won't take no for an answer, will he?"

"Do me a favor," said Dad, "and get out, before I make you."

"As stubborn as last time, I see," said Macnair, and one of his goons chuckled. "But you should know that if you don't join us again, we will take the boy that matters to you the most."

Dad turned pale. "You would never-"

"Would I?" he asked. "You don't have a choice, Draco. Join us, or we'll take your son."

My hands were shaking with anger as I gripped my wand. How dare they thought they could kidnap me and force my parents to become Death Eaters. It was messed up.

Dad raised his wand. "Stupefy!" He yelled, but the Death Eaters cleverly dodged the spell. They started dueling, and I looked at Mum. "What do we do? Should we join them?"

"Not you, Scorp," said Mum. "You're too young. I'll go, and you keep hiding in here. When things are over, I'll call you."

I wanted to argue, but my mother's plan was pretty sensible. I sighed and went back down the stairs.

From above I could hear the sounds of spells being thrown at others. It was clear Mum had joined the fight, because the spells of the Death Eaters had become less frequent, and they didn't sound as confident as before. I was pretty scared, though. What if Mum or Dad got in serious trouble?

I wanted to join the fight, but decided to stay put. I didn't want to get in the way of their duel. But staying put was a pretty bad decision. Ten seconds later, I heard the crack of Apparating, and a Death Eater appeared, right there, next to me in the cellar. Before I could yell for help, he had his hand over my mouth and his arm around my neck. We both Apparated up to the living room, and I got to see the duel.

Half of the furniture was destroyed and Dad was shooting one spell after another at the other Death Eaters, Mum right beside him. Both of them noticed me at the same time, kicking and flailing in the Death Eater's grip. He put his wand at my throat. 

"Found him in the cellar," grunted the man.

"Wonderful," said Macnair. "Surrender or the boy dies."

My parents looked at me, then at each other, then at me again. It was nice how neither of them showed any panic on their faces, even though they were scared out of their wits. If they did, I would have felt more guilty. 

Dad attacked at the others with even more force, and Mum sneaked up behind the Death Eater holding me and fired a spell at him. The startled Death Eater moved his hand from my throat and began dueling her.

I jumped from the Death Eater's grip, whipped out my own wand, and tried to help as much as I could, startling other Death Eaters and occasionally knocking them out for a little while.

Dad looked at me. "Call the Aurors!" he yelled.

I threw some Floo Powder into the fireplace and thrust my head into it after yelling, "The Potters!"

I saw Lily Potter calmly reading a book, curled up on the sofa. "LILY!" I shouted. My friend's sister got so startled she dropped the book. "Scorpius! What's up?"

"Get your dad!" I yelled. Her eyes widened. "Are you in some kind of trouble?"

"Yes, just get Harry Potter and tell him to summon all the Aurors he knows over here!"

She nodded, hopped off the sofa and ran upstairs yelling, "Dad! Scorp's in the fire and he says to summon all the Aurors you know at the Malfoy's house!"

I got my head out of the fireplace and told Dad, "Aurors are coming!"

"Thanks, Scorpion," he said using my nickname. I joined him in the duel.

Before long, there was a huge CRACK of Apparating. Eight Aurors, including Mr. Potter, and Albus appeared, all holding their wands out. The three Death Eaters looked confused. 

Then the fight continued, more vigorous than ever. Albus ran to my side and said, "I begged Dad to let me come along. What do I have to do?"

"Just wreak havoc at the Death Eaters, and the adults'll do the rest," I said, relieved that my best friend was right here, after so many weeks of quarantine. Albus nodded dutifully.

Though there were just three of them, the Death Eaters were good. They noticed quickly that there were two kids in the group, and advanced on Albus and me. Luckily, the Aurors knocked them all out and tied them up in about thirty seconds.

Two Aurors Disapparated taking the Death Eaters with them, and we looked at all the wreckage. The living room looked as if it had been torn apart, but was I glad everyone was safe and alive.

"Well, Potter," said Dad reluctantly, "I guess I have no choice but to say thank you. You saved my family."

Albus' father shook his hand. "I'm just doing my duty. But, if I may ask, why were they here?"

"They were trying to get Mum and Dad to be Death Eaters," I explained. "And they almost did. I was almost kidnapped."

Albus said, "Am I glad that you weren't."

His dad looked at us. "And you two were amazing as well. You fought bravely and strategically, for having almost no hands-on learning this year. I think you two ought to be recognized." 

"I agree," said Dad.

Albus and I looked at each other. "But we hardly did anything," said Albus. "And we did underage magic!" I exclaimed, worried. Albus rolled his eyes at me.

"If you hadn't distracted them, we wouldn't have got the chance to knock them out, and they would have escaped," one of the Aurors explained. "And I'm sure Mr. Shacklebolt will understand about you doing underage magic."

"We thank you two again," said Albus's father. The Aurors and Albus Disapparated, and me, Mum and Dad were left. "That was terrifying," I said.

"Of course it was," said Dad. "I was frightened out of my wits."

"Really?" I asked. "But you looked so confident!"

"You always should, to lessen the confidence of the Death Eaters," Mum said. "The more confident you look, the less confident the others become." I thought about that for a while. "That saved our lives."

"Yes, it did," said Dad. He and Mum waved their wands in unison and all the wreckage in the living room fixed itself. If you looked at it now, you would never have thought that a duel happened there ten minutes ago.

"The Death Eaters will be back, won't they?" I asked.

"Well," said Dad, "I hope not. Let's do something together, and try to forget all this happened."

And that's what we did.


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