Albus and Rose

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Harry's POV:

For the next week, I assigned Seamus and Dean by the Muggle town to monitor the behaviour of the Muggles. They came back reporting that the Muggles spent almost their whole day at home, occasionally going out to the supermarket to buy groceries, and when they did, they wore a surgical mask. We came to a conclusion that Cho's prediction might be correct, and they might be in quarantine, though Terry's suggestion of political protest could be correct as well. 

I told all this to Kingsley and he said that he would host a meeting about this, so the next day, after dropping Albus, James and Lily off to the Burough, (Ron's house) Ginny and I Apparated to the Ministry for the meeting. All the Department Heads were there, including Draco Malfoy, Percy, Matilda Goshawk and Ginny. Ginny was the editor of the Daily Prophet.

We all went into a conference room on the bottom floor, where Kingsley took his seat at the head and the rest of us copied him. "Fellow colleagues," said Kingsley, "we are here because there is a sudden change in Muggle behaviour. Harry Potter and his team of Aurors have discovered that they never leave the house, except for personal requirements. I have contacted the other Ministries and they have said the same. Harry, you may elaborate."

I stood up. "Seam- Aurors Finnigan and Thomas have reported that all the Muggles are wearing masks, and they are watching the television a lot for news. Auror Chang has an idea that they might be in quarantine. I have contacted with the Healers in St. Mungos about the quarantine idea, and they are researching about what kind of disease they must be avoiding."

Albus's voice echoed through the room, from the mirror in my pocket. 


"Just give me one moment," I said to the other Heads, and I turned to the mirror. 

"What?" I hissed. "I'm in the middle of a meeting here, can this wait?" "Nope," said Albus. "I was hearing your meeting, and you were talking about a quarantine, and this is related to it."

"How about you tell me after the meeting?" I asked.

"I think we should listen to what he has to say," said Hermione. Kingsley nodded.

I pointed my wand at the mirror. "Engorgio!" The mirror expanded to a huge size, so everyone could see him and he could see us.

Rose appeared. She turned to Albus. "Are you telling them?" "Yeah, see," said Albus, pointing to us. Rose saw us through the mirror. "Hi," she said timidly. "Tell us, Rose," said Hermione. 

"Ok," said my niece. "We found a box in our doorway just now." She moved her mirror towards a cardboard box and pointed to the top of it. "See?"

"Er," said Malfoy, "that's what you called Potter for? Are we done?"

"No, Uncle Draco," said Albus. (He was the only one on good terms with Malfoy.) "Can you guys read the top?"

We shook our heads. 

"It says PPE kit," said Rose. "What does that stand for?"

"Personal Protective Equipment," said Hermione, her school mood kicking in. "So unless the Muggles are planning a war, it has to be a quarantine."

"How can we be sure it's not a war?" Matilda asked. 

"Because it says so on the box," said Albus, reading aloud the writing on the box. "It says C O V I D 19."

"Coh-vid 19," said Rose.

"No, it looks like co-veed 19," argued Albus.





"Point?" Ginny interrupted.

"Point is, it says co-veed 19 disease," said Albus. "It's a quarantine, all right."

"About the co-veed 19," I said. "You know, it looks more like coh-vid," said Hermione.

"Nah, it's co-veed."


"Anyway," said Percy, "I'll update the Healers on this information as soon as I can. We need to make sure it's not affecting us."

"Good job, Albus and Rose," I told them. "You'll be working in the Auror office in no time."

"No, they need to be in my department," said Hermione. "They can spread awareness about--"

"But my department needs the most help," said Draco.

"Rose is good in writing," said Ginny thoughtfully.

Albus and Rose beamed.


What are you currently doing in quarantine? As for me, my schedule is:

Eat. School. Youtube. Wattpad. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

Also, if you're getting confused about the heads, I'll write them here:

Harry: Head of Auror Office

Hermione: Head of Department of the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

Ginny: Editor of the Daily Prophet

Mafalda Hopkirk: Head of Improper Use of Magic Office

Draco: Head of the Department of Mysteries (yes, yes, he is. Not a typo.)

Percy: Head of Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophies

Matilda Goshawk: Head of Department of Magical Transportation 

Ludo Bagman: Head of Department of Magical Games and Sports

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