Group Call

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Rose's POV

"Ugh!" I groaned, as Hugo and I waited outside Dad's room for him to wake up. "Why do we have to be punished just because Dad never wakes up?"

"I know!" whined Hugo. "It's not fair."

He crossed his arms. "I'm gonna go play Roblox."

"Not again with that Roblox!" I scolded. Ever since we started online school, Hugo discovered video games, a Muggle invention, and was now addicted to it. Every minute he got, he went online to play Nitefort or Roblox or whatever.

"It's fun, Rose!" said Hugo. "You should try it."

"Never," I said fervently. "I read that it messes with your brain."

"And where did you get that?" asked Hugo.

"Witchipedia," I said, as it was the most obvious thing ever.

"See! You got that online. Witchipedia's basically an online game, so you're playing video games too."

I hated it when Hugo outsmarted me.

"Just go to your room," I said. "I need alone time."

Just then, the bedroom door opened and Mum came out. "Finally," she sighed. "Oh, I'm so sorry you kids have to wait for your father to wake up, but if I don't do this, he'll never get out of bed. Come, I'll start serving." 

As she led us to the kitchen, she muttered things like, 'He's an Auror now', and 'He's not a teenager anymore'.

"Mum, can I have breakfast in my room so I can play Roblox?" asked Hugo.

"Absolutely not," said Mum. "Video games mess with your brain."

I gave him a smug smirk. "I told you."

Hugo scowled.


After breakfast, I went to my room to call my cousins. It was a long time since we had a group call before. I took out my mirror and said, "Albus Potter."

Albus immediately appeared on the screen. "What?" he snapped. "I was playing self wizard chess." He lowered down the mirror so I could see the game. "My rook's getting annihilated."

"I just wanted to see you," I said. "A group call."

Albus lay down on his bed, holding the mirror above him. "Who else should we call?"

"Your siblings, for a start."

"Fine," Albus sighed, and yelled to the top of his lungs, "JAMES! LILY!"

James came in the door. "What do you want?" he asked. 

"Rose's calling," Albus gave James the mirror.

"Hi," I said. 

"Hi, Rose," said James. "How's Hugo?"

"He's playing Roblox," I rolled my eyes.

"Roblox? What's that?" asked Albus.

"Apparently it's a game Muggles play using a computer," I explained.

"Wait," said Albus. "Are you telling me that you can play games on a computer?" 

"No, I just told you that gigantic Grindylows are surrounding your house right now," I said sarcastically.

Albus worriedly looked over his shoulder to the window.

I facepalmed. "Idiot."

"Don't call me that!" Albus snapped.

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