~ Chapter 7 ~

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The next day pooja went very well and all the princes were ready to depart

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The next day pooja went very well and all the princes were ready to depart. Aditi was excited and is praying to Mahadev for the victory of the princes. "Hey Mahadev, let the princes fulfill their Guru's oath and return back to Hastinapur victorious" she bowed down before the Shiva ling. Just as she was about to get up a flower placed on the Shiva ling fell in her hands, Kunti who was beside Aditi saw this and was sure Mahadev has listened to the prayer and sent a sign that her wish will be fulfilled. She hugged Aditi and said "Putri, I want you to apply tilak to the rajkumars, you are blessed by the gods and tilak from you will keep our sons safe. What do you say Jiji" she asked Gandhari. "Of course Kunti, but I don't know about Duryodhan, he is still angry with her, first let's go, the princes are about to leave" she hurried. All of them reached the entrance where dasis held the aarthi thali. Aditi went to them, took the thali and started doing aarti and tilak to the Pandavas who were the nearest to her. Just as she turned to do aarti for the Kauravas, Duryodhan stopped her "We have our own sister, we don't need some outsider to do the aarti and tilak for us. Come Dusshala, I want the Lakshmi of this house to do the aarti for us" he said. Aditi just smiled and passed the thali to Dusshala. Nakul instantly came to her side, he didn't like anyone calling her an outsider, but she assured him that it is ok. 

The Kauravas climbed onto their horses and left immediately. As Aditi was about to go to her horse, Yuyutsu arrived with Karna behind him "Wouldn't my sister do tilak for me?" he questioned. Aditi's face lit up as she took the thali and did tilak to Yuyutsu. She then turned towards Karna, "What are you doing Aditi, I am not participating in the battle, you don't need to do aarti for me" he said. "Can't I do aarti to my friend, life itself is a battle Karna, and I wish you would be victorious in life" she countered while applying tilak on Karna's forehead. Arjun was confused but he let it go, while Yudhishtir gave her a nod. But Kunti couldn't express her happiness as tears formed in her eyes. Her son is finally being accepted by other, her Krishaa is really a blessing, she thought. 

Soon everyone sat on their horses and started. The fastest horse rider in the whole of Aryavart, Nakul, was trailing behind everyone, making sure his sakhi wouldn't fall off the horseback. Everyone asked her to come in a palanquin or atleast a chariot. But stubborn as ever, Aditi wanted to ride a horse just like the others. And Nakul is having fun watching her try to ride a horse, he has calmed the horse, so he is sure the horse wouldn't make sudden movements. But calming down the princess on the horse is much difficult. She held the reigns so tight, he is sure she'll either cut her hands or break the reigns. "Sakhi, loosen your grip on the reigns, you will not fall, just sit calmly, the horse will follow ours and bring you safely to the camp" he said for the fifth time. "It is easy for you mitr, but I'm not used to riding horses" she whined. She can understand the horse, it is trying to be slow and gentle but the fear of falling off the horse is still gripping at her heart. 

Finally they somehow reached the borders of Panchal where the camps were set. Nakul was sure they'll reach the camp next day but halfway through the journey, Aditi slowly started to relax, he decided to teach her horse riding as soon as they go back to Hastinapur. They finally settled down in the tent. Saying Aditi was relieved would be an understatement. The Pandavas were discussing their final plan and Aditi was looking around the tent, thinking on what to do once the princes left. Just as she was thinking about the battle, she heard a commotion outside. Everyone looked at each other confused as to what is happening. They ran out to see the Kauravas ready for battle with weapons in hand arguing with Mahaguru Dron.

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