"No, don't be. It's actually my fault" I told her instead, feeling bad. I was the one who pushed her away.

It was silence right after. I wanted to reassure her that it's really my fault but I couldn't seem to find the perfect words to tell her.

"I'm sorry for liking you" she broke the silence. A hard pain reached my chest. Dang it.

"During the weeks we spent together, I actually thought that you felt the same way as I did so I shamelessy confessed to you" she let out a bitter chuckle. The pain on my chest got stronger as I blame myself for her feeling this way.

"I found out that you haven't moved on from Hyera, so I hope we can forget the foolish confession I made and be just like before" she smiled at me. The smile seems painful yet she endured it with the sincerity in her eyes.

"Do you still like me?" I asked her instead, watching her every move. She was flustered as she quickly look away from me.

She still has feelings for me. I'm sure. The traitorous truth sparks something inside me so I selfishly smiled to myself.

"You know that I'm with Felix" she mumbled, avoiding my gaze.

"I know, but being with him doesn't mean you like him" I stated. She was quiet, probably thinking about my statement.

My heart was pounding so hard as I wait for her reply nervously. Unfortunately, she kept quiet, resulting me to let out a quiet sigh.

"Y/N. Ever since I saw you and Felix kiss the other day, I couldn't stop thinking about you. It hurts me so bad to kiss you another man" I started, hoping that she would turn to look at me with that beautiful eyes of hers, but she didn't.

"I don't know what got into me, but I want you for myself" I told her. This time, her eyes widen as she shot her head to look at me.

There it is, the galaxy-like eyes.

"Hyunjin.." she called quietly, in disbelief. I sighed, looking down.

"I know. I may sound selfish but it's my feelings. I was confused with my feelings on the day you confessed to me, but now, I'm sure" I paused, looking back at her once again. Her eyes never left mine. I took the chance to place my hand on top of hers.

"I have feelings for you, Y/N" I told her sincerely, hoping that she could see the love I have for her. She seemed lost as she lock her eyes with mine.

It took her awhile to react. As soon as she got back to her senses, she pushed my hand away, quickly getting up from her seat.

"No. Don't be like this, Hyunjin" she almost raised her voice at me

"Like what?" I asked her in confussion. She sighed.

"Like this! You shouldn't do this to me. You shouldn't confess to me" she said, freaking out. My frown got bigger.

"But it's my feelings, and you like me too!" I exclaimed desperately.

"It doesn't matter" she muttered.

"You do still has feelings for me?" I asked her, feeling happy that she didn't deny my statement.

"I want you, Y/N, and I know you want me too. So what's the point fighting around the bush? I'll take a good care of you, I'll make up for all the mistakes I made" I pleaded her, hoping that she would give in.

"Why didn't you confess sooner? Why now? Why, when I start to move on from you? Why, when I start to accept Felix?" her voice cracked as tears filled her eyes. My movements were paused as I look at her in shock, feeling pain on my chest.

She actually wanted to move on from me and be with Felix? I thought she's just using him to get her mind off me.

"I didn't realise my feelings for you before.." I told her, hidding the pain in my tone as I look away from her.

"Exactly. Maybe there's a reason why you only realise it now" she said sternly. I couldn't help it anymore as I look at her in pain.

Is she rejecting me?

"Y/N, please. We both like each other. I don't see any wrong in—" I tried to reach for her hand but she quickly back away, cutting me off mid-sentence.

"I'm sorry Hyunjin, but I can't betray Felix. Not like this" she said. I watch her closely, trying to find any lies from her eyes but all I could find was pain.

"We can talk it out with him, I'm sure he would understand" I never knew I was desperate to be with her until now. The love I felt for her got stronger now when I confessed to her.

"Hyunjin, stop. You can't do this to me" she almost screamed at me. The tears that she tried so hard to hold in have fell down her cheeks without stopping.

"I'm sorry to say this but you've hurt me. You broke me into pieces but Felix was there to heal me. He helped me get better" she said before pausing.

Her words may be simple yet I can feel it stabbing me everywhere, deeply.

"Just because you know that I still has feelings for you doesn't mean that you can manipulate me to be with you and leave Felix just like that" she continued with tears falling down her cheek.

Oh, how much I want to wipe them off her cheeks. It pained me to see her crying.

"I can't, Hyunjin. Just as much as I want to be with you, I can't break Felix's heart. He has done so much for me" she said. Every words that came out of her lips gave a piercing pain on my chest.

Is this what she felt when I did all those things to her?

"I'm sorry" she said quietly before quickly leaving the park, leaving me alone.

I broke down, my head hang low. I clutch on my chest, sucking air desperately so my heart could start beating like normal once again.

I heard faint voices near me so I slowly raised my head and searched for the voice.

My eyes were immediately greeted by a pair of brown eyes. I can see confusion, pain and anger through his eyes.

He heard us.

{End of Chapter 19}
Posting early since I might be busy later~ Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote&comment <3

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