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Now I have a secret I will take with me to the grave.

Every few nights, we meet at the terrace of my 3rd floor. I walk down from my tower, and he escapes his cell to climb up the stairs.

Seungcheol and I... we held hands. I asked him, last night, to see me in my chamber, he left his cell, he really did that. Just to see me.

I think I love him.

It's been a couple of weeks since I saw that painting. He almost made me fall in love with myself.

But instead, I fell for the painter.

I talked to him in secret, when night made everyone blind. He's sweet, he's precious, he hasn't done much worse, the funniest man I've had the pleasure to meet.

I know what we're doing is a sin, but I can look over any punishment just to be with him. I have never met a man like this, I've never fallen in love so fast.

But all I know is that what we have must last. His laugh makes me smile and his tears bring mine out too. It's sickeningly sad, just how our time flew.

Today is the day for the execution of prisoners. I don't really remember any of their names. The advisor just lets me know on the day who I shall be beheading. If I'm bored, I'll ask him what crime they committed, but I don't care for it too much. The citizens are stupid sometimes so we wipe off the ones who came out faulty. It's nothing bad.

Today when I receive the list, however, I notice that many of them are from the lower class. "Why is it so?"

I ask, though it has never concerned me so, after visiting all the cells, from habitual petty thieves to real murderers, I know some of their names.

They're clearing the pit for the next herd of criminals. Diabolical of them but logical in a few unnamable ways. So when the sun is up and shining, the crowd has gathered like every other week.

There in the centre, I stand with the machine. The new ritual states the leader shall behead wrongdoers.

I skillfully end his life, and then the next, and then the next. Today was ruthless, I have executed 3 men, one lady and 2 beggars hung on the great spring tree.

At night I climb down the staircase, my steps hurried with excitement, to meet this new secret lover of mine. I see him watch from the balcony as the night before, his hair blowing magnificently, warmth flooding my pounding core.


When he turns to face me he doesn't smile, the marks and the blood on his face look vile. My grin disappears as well, even as I rush up to him, all he does is murmur, "we only have a little while."

I shoot him a confused look before he breaks into a wince. His lip wobbles and his eyes shine like a gem. He jumps up on my shoulders, I must hold him tight.

I can hear pitiful sobs, groaning that of so much hatred. Who hurt you so bad, I'm afraid to ask. 

I hope we'll be okay.


A/n: went overboard with word count shat

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