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"Advisor, call upon Choi Seungcheol."

I expected some shock, but this is exaggerated beyond reasonable.

"But may I know why your highness? Uhm, surely-"

"Don't make me repeat myself. Also, prepare paints and a portrait paper for when he comes."

I can se him seething in his head. He's probably wishing I was dead. Too bad, that shall not happen anytime soon. It's fun having so much power when there is not much to do with it. You can order others around simply because you were born to someone who did great things. But now I wait.

I see Seungcheol walk in, his shabby clothes replaced with something much more plain yet clean. Now that the dirt has been washed off his face to present him to me, he is much more alluring that I had dreamt. This is scary. I've never felt this way before.

He bows so low he almost loses balance and falls. How endearing.

"Your highness."

"Paint me." I order, just as the servant brings in his materials.

That's how I met my lover.


A/n: short chap but longer one comes in to compensate c: 

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