side story

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Happy Thoma day <3 In commemoration, here's a lil sequel for you all! 


"Miss Kira!"

Naturally, Thoma was the first to greet you by the gates once you and Ayato finally made it back. He took it upon himself to take the bag you brought off your hands, beaming at you like a puppy who just met its owner after being gone all day. Well, in hindsight, that's not too far-off an analogy.

You shot him a tired smile, lacing your arms around his neck to peck him on the cheek. "Hey, pretty boy. Did you miss me?"

"You bet," he replied with a chuckle before pulling away to turn to Ayato. "I'm glad to see you're well, too, my lord. Any progress with the investigation?"

The Yashiro Commissioner heaved a long-winded sigh, handing his own luggage to the other guards. "Barely. Locating the wards was quite tricky. We had Doctor Shinya with us, too. He's a learned gentleman from the Sumeru Academia, so if he can't locate them even with the guidance of our Yashiori native, Miss Kira, then it's best if we went back to the drawing board."

Thoma nodded in understanding. "I see. No wonder you got back so early. But is it really alright to leave the Tatarigami unattended?"

"Don't worry about it," you insisted, patting him on the shoulder. "'Yato over here made good on the diplomatic interventions you and milady have been overseeing in his stead. He talked some former resistance soldiers into keeping an eye out for the situation. So it's all good."

...Alright, Thoma was more than glad to hear that Ayaka's efforts to restore Narukami's relationship with the Sangonomiya faction have borne fruit. But did you just call the head of the Kamisato House 'Yato?

Ayato didn't seem fazed by this, though—chuckling as you all headed inside. "It's as the lady says. Sangonomiya Kokomi has agreed to cooperate with the ongoing investigation, since the Tatarigami also poses a threat to the safety of her own citizens."

You snorted. "We nearly got kicked out of Sangonomiya Shrine when you criticized the way they prepared their sashimi, though. I know you're a big shot and all, but you should seriously keep things to yourself sometimes."

"I did no such thing. I simply suggested that it would be better if they served them fresh!"

"That's not how the shrine maidens saw it..."

Thoma was no stranger to conversations that had nothing to do with him, and thus couldn't relate to. It's a staple for a chief retainer to stand on the sidelines and simply let his charge do all the talking. But the...familiar way in which you addressed Ayato was something entirely new to him. He didn't think you'd ever spoken to someone else in the estate (someone that wasn't Thoma, at least) in the same, animated manner you conversed with the Commissioner. Despite being officially hailed as a retainer of the house, you still had your reservations for the people that got close to you.

He used to pride himself for being one of the select few you'd fully put your faith in, but...

"Now that you mentioned it, I did come off as too forward for someone that's already asking for a favor," Ayato sighed. "This is why I let Ayaka handle all the formalities instead. Let's send them an...apology package, shall we?"

"Sure. I'll help you pick some stuff out in the city after I get a good night's sleep," you said. "Gods know it wasn't exactly comfortable sharing a tent with you of all people."

The moment the words left your lips, Thoma felt his brain short-circuit and jumpstart back into motion right after. You and Ayato shared a tent. For three weeks. His girlfriend slept in the same, close proximity as his lord. And they were acting completely casual about it!

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