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Archons, you were never drinking again.

The moment you'd woken up, you felt like your eyes had been encrusted together in your sleep, and you rubbed away the annoying gounds as you sat yourself upright on the futon. Thankfully, you didn't have that hangover-warranted headache. But your mouth tasted as if you'll have to get well-acquainted with the mint extract in the communal baths before speaking to anyone else.

However, the moment you'd gotten your bearings straight, you realized all the other attendants had already gone outside—leaving you alone in the room, much to your horror.

"Fuck," you muttered, scrambling to your feet as you rolled up your futon messily.

The feeling of responsibility that's been gradually easing into your routine was a bit...unsettling. You were, by no means, obligated to operate under the same biorhythm as the rest of the Kamisato retainers. In fact, you were a prisoner here. The least you could do to be a thorn on your unknowing captors' sides was to go against their pre-set routine.

But here you were, combing the tangles out of your hair as you made your way to the lockers lining the edge of the room.

It's not like you had a lot of possessions to your name as Kira of Sangonomiya, really. You only stored a few gifts from Ayaka inside, namely: two sets of kimonos that you wore interchangeably with the one you're wearing now, and a ceramic fox figurine she'd purchased from Ritou.

But those gifts weren't really the reason you treaded to your personal locker first thing every morning.

Once you'd removed the complicated lock latched onto the door, the little fox figurine stared at you from where it was perched atop your clothes. You paid its beady, lazurite eyes no mind—gently setting it to the side as you lifted the neatly folded kimonos off the surface.

Kujou Sara's feather laid inconspicuously in place.

You breathed out a sigh—of relief or lingering trepidation, you couldn't quite decide.

Ever since the day Ayaka had invited you out to Konda Village, carrying it around started to make you feel agitated. Like it meant that you still wished to kill the princess in cold blood, so long as it was on your person.

Well... You did!

You weren't just going to turn tail and desert the Tenryou Commission. Only idiots would dare cross the shogun's military forces like that. Besides, you've assassinated big-name merchants and noblemen alike in the past. Though you were taking a bit more time than usual, you'll see the Tenryou Commission's job done—no matter what it takes.

...But why did your chest twist so much at the idea?

In your contemplation, your eyes flickered back to the spot where you'd temporarily placed the little fox. A frown etched its way on your face when you realized something else was sitting right next to it.

You smoothed down your kimonos once more to conceal the dark tengu feather from sight. Then, with just a hint of careful curiosity, you plucked the strange amber jar that had not been there the last time you'd checked your locker.

A small note was tied to the lid.

Hangover meds imported straight from Liyue. They work — I promise. I've taken them a few times myself! Also, I told the rest not to wake you up. Consider it a treat from yours truly~

You sighed, folding the note in once again. The only sign you could ever tell it was from Thoma was the lousy doodle at the corner, depicting a cartoonish chief retainer with his tongue sticking out.

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