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"you have to let me

make my own decisions"

so i will

so i do

and you get hurt

you cry

you break

you scar

and who do you

come crying back to?

not me

i won't be there

i warned you

i did my best

but you didn't listen

so this is your fault

this is your hurt

no more sharing feelings

no more lashing out

this is your cross to bear

so leave me out

poetically enough, this was written in the locker room. i sat there, right next to the person this was about. my friend was being cheated on, but when i told her, she told me she didn't want to believe me. i lost one of my best friends because she didn't believe the photo evidence of her girlfriend making out with someone else, so i stopped trusting her. she is no longer one of my friends, only a stranger with memories. i honestly hope she finds out i wasn't lying, and regrets it. i know how horrible that sounds, but sometimes the best way to feel better about something is for others to realize you were right.

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