Jegulus two

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The next day, regulus was walking along the corridor, headed to breakfast, when he got unexpectedly pulled into a nearby broom closet. He was greeted by the pleasant for most, but not so in his opinion, person known as James Potter.

"Hey baby black, I noticed you were out past curfew last night. What exactly were you doing?"

"Its none of your business, Potter," he spat.

"I think, as your brothers best friend, it kind of is my business," he smirked.

"Yes. Obviously. How could I be so stupid as not to realise that because we have mutual relations with someone I have to tell you every event that occurs in my lonesome life."

"Well when you put it like that."

"Get out of my way Potter. If you don't mind I'd like to eat breakfast before I go to class and not on the way like some underdeveloped homosapien. Oh and by the way, don't call me baby black, we're not friends."

He shoved past James without letting him get another word in and quickly rushed into the great hall, going seemingly unnoticed by most.

"Hey Reg, what took ya so long?" Asked Barty, shovelling toast coated with strawberry jam into his mouth as he spoke.

Regulus' nose scrunched at the sight, but he replied with a simple, "I got held up by someone."


"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to pry?"

"Right. Sorry reg."

It was 8pm. Regulus should've been at dinner by now, but he couldn't resist the whisper of the full moon. He crept out of his dorm quietly, grabbing his broom. He peacefully strolled down to the quidditch pitch, the frosty winter air nipping at his nose and cheeks.

Every step he took he could hear the crunch of thin ice on the grass underfoot. His large, green scarf covered his neck, shielding it from the icy wind. The moon shone bright over the pitch, making it look idyllic. He wandered into the centre of the field and positioned himself atop his broom, ready to zoom off, when he heard a howl in the distance. In fact, it sounded as if it were coming closer.

Part of him wanted to explore it, the other, the part of logic and reason, told him not to. Eventually his curiosity got the best of him and he mounted his broom yet again and set off to find the place in which the shrieking was coming from and from whom.

Words: 414 (I'm sorry this one's so short I just wanted to leave it on a cliff hanger. The next one will be longer I promise)

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