"The kid...he was only 14..." Steve mumbled and tears went down his face too, two-bit absolutely lost it.

Two-bit sobbed and sobbed and Darry and soda are hugged and crying at the same time, I never thought I would see Darry, cry so hard like he is now...

None of them cried this hard...not even from there parents death...nothing like this, I stared to sob and so did Steve, at this point the whole how is crying.

Dallas pov:

...He can't be gone...he is only 14 years old, and now he is gone...his lifeless body is going to haunt me till the day I die...

I ran out of that hospital as fast as I could, I knew I had to get that image out some how...I just can't stand it!

Ooo was I mad, I wasn't mad, I was pissed off! I am pissed off that the kid left the gang and I this early!

He is 14! He is nothing like us greasers he is clean...he doesn't want to hurt anyone, are didn't, but he was saving Johnny!

I ran and ran till I found a spot...it was our spot...pony and Johnny found it and showed me...it was a beautiful sight, where a big willow tree was placed perfectly and the leaves swung in the wind.

It was at a park and it was just a wonderful place to watch a sunset, pony loved those, he really did...

...I can't believe he left us...pony man was going places, and now he is dead! I started yelling at the sky.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! YOU LEFT!" I screamed at the sky and I knew I had to blow off some steam.

I just know he is looking down at me right now and rolling his eyes and hanging out with his mom and dad.

I couldn't believe it...the kid was gone, and it feels like a part of me has gone with him. He was only 14 and now he is gone, I stuck up the middle finger to the sky.

I felt someone touch my shoulder and I saw Johnny with the gang running behind. They can't see me soft...but I looked at them...all of them are crying.

Sodapops pov:

I was just chilling waiting for tomorrow to see my brother, Ponyboy! I can't wait to tell him we won against those no good Socs.

I sat in front of Steve as he was laying on the couch, I sat down on the couch, I was wondering where Johnny and Dallas went.

Just then the front door slowly opened and I looked up and saw Johnny all bloody and he looked like he was about to burst.

And I don't know if it's tears are anger...but he looks like he was about to burst, and I have to figure it out.

"Ponys dead." Johnny said and I quickly sat up hoping i didn't hear that right...he can't be...not him....

"W-what..." escapes Darry mouth...I feel like someone just stabbed me in my heart...he couldn't be.

"Dallas brought me to see him he said he wasn't doing to well...the next thing I know he told me to remember the fire...that was the last thing he said to me." Johnny said and I couldn't control it.

I bursted into tears and Darry did too, than Steve, than two-bit and Johnny was too shocked on what had happened.

"NOT HIM!!! NOT AFTER MOM AND DAD!!" I screamed and I cried and cried...I knew he was in pain....and now he is gone..

I have lost mom, dad, pony, what else!? I am so pissed off, he couldn't stay awake!? Huh!? Those are no good nurses, I wished they brought him back.

"Dal is gonna to blow." Steve said and he shot up even though he is in major pain and we all looked at him and ran out of the house and we followed him.

Narrators pov:

The gang all ran and found Dallas screaming at the sky and they all felt this sorrow for Dallas, they all knew that Dallas had a major soft spot for the kid.

They all sat down at the park and were just crying and crying. And that's when Randy came over and all of them felt this type of rage which was unbelievable.

But they all kept it together surprisingly well;

"I am so sorry for your loss..." Randy said and soda looked at Darry and Darry just looked at Randy and they nodded there head in respect.

They all questioned on what they were feeling...how did Randy know about pony dying....all those questions ran through there heads...

Randy walked off and they all just sat around in the circle and just processing on what had just happened.

Like with pony's death, pony killing bob, pony and Johnny and Dallas all going into the church that was on fire, Dallas hiding pony and Johnny.

All of it was happening to fast...and none of them liked it at all.

Pony's pov:

"Look down there your friends are a mess..." Bob said and I quickly got up and ran over and looked down at them...

Damn it! I had one job and that was to make sure they wouldn't be upset...and I failed them. Bob gave me a worried look and I just looked down.

Let's see what happens next...

Hey guys! Hoped you enjoyed this! It's gonna be more sad fyi! Anyways goodbye! I hope you guys have an amazing day/ night! And I hope you guys love this! Anyways I just wanted to add is that I am editing a lot of this story so yeah!

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