Chapter 18 - Tōō vs Rakuzan

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"Be careful. " I said to Aomine, he smiled at me and jogged onto the court.

It was Rakuzan's ball and Aomine switched targets to be on him, this was the first time in the game that he was able to do so. Were my teachings from the past five days in vein? I hope not.

Akashi looked at Aomine like he was a bug, like he was nothing. That made us both angry.

"I. Am. Absolute." Akashi said while doing his signature ankle break, but to his surprise and everyone else's, Aomine didn't fall. Taking control of the game Aomine stole the ball in the midst of the shock and scored.

The entire gymnasium was silent, then everyone cheered. This was the first time they had seen Akashi lose in a one on one battle. I smiled and laughed a bit, Momoi ran towards me and screamed.

"How did you do that! What sort of training were you guys up to when you disappeared for a whole week?"

"Oh, just this and that." I said smirking.

Tōō had completely taken over the flow of the game and Rakuzan was overwhelmed. It didn't help that Akashi just stood there like a deer in the headlights refusing to move, the rest of his teammates slowly lost the will to fight as well, by the end of the second quarter Tōō was up by 15 points.

We screamed and cheered as we went down into the Lockeroom.

"Aomine that was amazing! How did you do it?" Wakamatsu asked.

"Hmm, you'll have to give the credit to Sōdai, she's the one who taught me how to balance and not fall.. a lot of ballet and martial arts training, it wasn't easy but I'd gladly do it again just to see the look on Akashi's face." He said grinning.

I laughed as everyone cheered me on. "It was nothing really, most of it is just mental. There's no reason Aomine or any of the generation of miracles should be falling for ankle breaks. I just helped him to look past it, that and I made him dance on a balance beam for an entire day."

The entire team erupted in laughter.

"All right all right, as impressive as that was the game isn't over yet." Coach said. "There's still a chance they could regain the momentum."

"Yes sir."
The look on Akashi's teammates faces left a sour taste in my mouth.

The ref blew the whistle for the third quarter, they looked scared. Not of us, but of him.. and he looked angry.

Once he got the ball, Aomine quickly switched marks making Akashi "tch" he tried to ankle break again but to no avail, Aomine wouldn't even budge an inch. Akashi was no longer of value. At this point he was a handicap.

Each time Akashi got the ball Aomine would just steal it and then score, eventually Akashi got so mad that he even turned his anger towards his team.

"ALL OF YOU ARE USELESS!!" He screamed at them hushing the crowd.

"It's not our fault! We can't keep up with him, he's a monster." The blonde dribbling prodigy said.

"You're lower than dirt." Akashi scoured.

All of a sudden the #4 who was good at three point shots came up to Akashi and grabbed his Jersey harshly,

Akashi looked up at him with disbelief.

"Get your dirty hands off me!" He yelled.

"Akashi! I've played your games long enough! The only reason we never said anything is because you were the best of us, but we aren't the ones messing up right now! You're nothing but a liability, so sit down."

The Baker and the Basketball Player (Aomine x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora