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October 30. Nothing to do till tomorrow when Marcia and I have friends over for a Halloween costume party.

I was home alone, in my pajamas, watching a Harry Potter marathon on TV. A trailer for a new story showed a Quidditch match. James (Harry's son) is playing for Gryffindor, and Ned Diggory is playing for Hufflepuff. They're both after the golden snitch. Ned, I think, is the son of the late Cedric's cousin, and as handsome as Cedric (sigh).

I pretended to cast spells. I point my wand (a pen) at the screen and say, "Accio!" The golden snitch flew around the living room. It nestled in my palm. I cooed at the cute thing.

"Hello, there!" I looked at the screen to see Harry. I was sure he could see me. He pointed his wand, and said, "Accio!"

I fell through the air over the Quidditch grounds, when someone grabbed me and settled me on a broomstick. Ned Diggory, even better looking in person. And I'm in my old pajamas.

Mr. Potter looked at my pajamas, and cast a spell, changing them into jeans and t-shirt. I asked him why he brought me over. He said he didn't mean to; he wanted the snitch. When he reached for it, it hid in my hair. "I've never known a snitch to do anything like this before," he said.

After some talk with the Headmaster, they agreed the snitch can stay with me, but it won't have  magic. They invited me to another Quidditch match. I mention I'll use the snitch with my costume at the Halloween party tomorrow. Some of the Hogwarts boys and girls ask to be invited. Mr. Potter says he'll have to come with them, if they're invited.

Yes, I invite them.

On Halloween, Mr. Potter arrived with James, Ned, and some others all wearing Hogwarts uniforms. They'll blend in. I'm a witch with the snitch sitting on my shoulder. It buzzed if anyone else touched it.

The girls swarmed around the handsome Hogwarts boys, but Ned danced with me. Marcia glided in. Harry chatted up my baffled parents. He got permission for me to visit them, but didn't mention Quidditch.

Closing in on Ned, Marcia cut in, and flirtily suggested he dance with her, as they are the best dancers in the room.

He looked down at her, and said, "Tonight I'm dancing with Skylar, my date." He gave her a little smile. "Sorry. My loss." She opened and shut her mouth as Ned and I danced off. That never happened to her before.

The party ended. Marcia stumped upstairs as the guests left. Mr. Potter left with the Hogwarts kids. He said Ned offered to take me on a tour of Hogwarts, if I liked. I managed to say yes without squeaking like a mouse.

"See you next week, Skylar," Ned said. "I'll take you for a ride around Hogwarts on my Thunderbolt."

"Looking forward to that," I said. "Goodnight."

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