Onika POV
Knowles Residence
Same day

This is my second week working for Beyoncé and it's been a pretty great experience so far. She's always on the go so I don't see her much but when I do, she's usually in business mode.

I'm currently preparing her Cajun shrimp linguine and a side caesar salad for lunch.

As I was putting the finishing touches, I felt my phone vibrate for the 3rd time so decide to step away and answer it.


"Good afternoon, am I speaking to Ms. Maraj?"

"This is she, what's going on?"

"This is Ms. London. I have Lotus right here with me because there was an incident with her and a couple students who were picking at her and she would like to come home early if that's okay with you." I instantly feel a heat wave wash over my body.

When it comes to my daughter, I want all the smoke. Problems like this makes me want to homeschool her because every kid isn't pure like her. Lotus is the type of kid to give you her last pair of shoes.

"I have to run it over with my- Beyoncé first and I'll be there."

"Okay See you soon."

I hung up and went to plate Beyoncé's food. I texted her letting her know her lunch is ready as I cleaned up my mess.

She came down about 6 minutes later. She appeared to be fresh out of the shower. I could smell the honey and lavender from over here.

"Thank you, Onika." She smiled, taking a seat at the island

"You know it's no problem Beyoncé, just doing my job." I decided to start calling her by her name.

"Um so...I got a call from my daughters' school saying it's an emergency and to come pick her up. Is that okay with you? I'm going to take her to my moms house and come back here to prepare dinner."

"Yeah, sure. Go right head. Matter of fact you can bring her here if you'd like. I have extra guest rooms and a theater room. There's plenty of things she can do."

"Are you sure? I can just have my mom watch her until I'm done here."

"Positive. I don't want you to have to take the extra commute. Also you can grab one of my extra key fobs so y'all can let yourselves back in."

"Thank you Beyoncé. You just saved me an extra 45 minutes. I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Alright drive safe."

I thanked her again and headed to my car.

Pulling up to Lotus' school, I parked my car and took a minute to just sit gathering my thoughts. I had to mentally prepare myself before approaching this situation.

Lotus is my entire heart in human form and I know I can't save her from everything but damn.
Nobody wants to hear that their child is being picked on period. I never want her to experience what I had to endure.

After a few minutes of bringing myself down to a calm state, I walked through the building entrance.

I knocked on Ms. London's classroom door and she immediately answered.

"Hey Onika, she's sitting at my desk, come on in."

My heart could've shattered as I seen her little red eyes and nose. She was eating goldfish crackers and watching YouTube on Ms. London's laptop.

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