We stopped at a school. I looked at him with a confused look.

"We are exchanging presents at a school?"


He got out of the car and walked over to the passenger side. He opened the door and took my hand. I got out and he said, "Follow me!"

We walked around the school to a huge playground. I smiled and looked at him. He looked so happy. He led me across the wood chips and up the playground stairs. He climbed into one of those tubes that kids climb through and hide in. I climbed in after him. He sat down, so I sat next to him. It was really squishy in here, but I didn't mind, even though I bumped my head on the top a couple of times. There was nowhere else I would rather be.

He leaned towards me and kissed me. It was deep and passionate. He pulled away and reached into his jacket pocket. He pulled out a small box wrapped in pink wrapping paper. I looked at him and tore it open. It was a necklace, and it looked expensive. It was a heart with diamonds around the edge. It was beautiful. I gave him a kiss and thanked him a million times. I immediately asked him to put it on me. I turned around and lifted up my hair while he put the necklace on. I smiled and gave him another kiss.

I handed him my present, telling him to open the card last. First he opened the hoodie. He loved it. Then he opened the cologne. He loved that too. Finally, he got to the card. This is what I've been waiting for him to open. I smiled as I watched him rip open the envelope. When he opened the card, the tickets fell out and landed in his hand. He read them and gasped.

"No! You didn't!" He said excitedly.

"Yes I did!!"

"This is amazing! You didn't have to do this! It must have cost you a fortune!"

"I got a discount!" I said laughing.

He gave me a kiss and hugged me tight.

"I talked to your management. You have 2 weeks off in the beginning of April, so that's when we are going! I know it's sorta a while away, but it will be so worth it!" I told him.

"I don't mind the wait! It will be something to look forward to!" He told me.

We got out of the tube thing and went to sit on the swings. We sat on the swings next to each other and held hands. We didn't talk. It was so peaceful. We sat in quiet for about 15 minutes before I decided to break the silence.

"So why did we come here?" I asked him. Harry laughed.

"I honestly don't really know. Part of it is because of the way you make me feel. You make me feel like a little kid. You put me on top of the world, like nothing could bring me down. Also because I knew it would be a good place to look at the stars when it gets dark, which should be very soon."

"Yay!" I said.

Harry pulled on my arm and brought me to the grass. I'm guessing he came here before, or had one of the boys come while we were at dinner because there was a blanket on the grass that had a picnic basket, even though we just ate dinner. In the basket there were grapes, chocolate covered strawberries, and candies. There was also some water.

Harry took a vine of grapes and held them above my mouth, feeding them to me. I laughed and threw a small gummy near into his mouth to see if be could catch it. Of course he did. He tried throwing one to me, but I missed. It was dark now, so we laid down. I was laying on his chest. It was so romantic. I couldn't believe I was laying down looking at the stars with Harry Styles. The boy I was obsessing about last year.

I guess we both fell asleep because around 2 AM I got a call from Jenna asking me where I was. I told her we lost track of time and I would be home soon. We packed up our picnic and Harry grabbed his gifts. We headed back to the car. He drove me home and walked me to the door.

"Eleanor and Danielle fly in at 12 tomorrow. Probably around 2 or 3 ill come over with them and all the boys so you can meet them! I know they are super excited about having another member of the 1D girlfriend club." Harry told me and I laughed.

"Ok that sounds good. Thank you for the gift. I really love it. It's beautiful."

"Your welcome. And thank you for your gift! I'm so excited to go away with you! It's gonna be great!"

He gave me a kiss and I went inside. The girls were sitting on the couch waiting for me. They looked worried and scared.

"Liv, I have something to tell you." Jenna told me.

Her tone scared me. I could tell it wasn't good.


Sorry for the cliff hanger, but ill update again tomorrow! Hope everyone likes the story! I'm trying to get more reads, so if you like the story, please tell people about it! Thank you! xxxx

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