Chapter 7

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The next morning I woke up at 10:00 and made breakfast for the girls. I guess last night put me in a good mood and we were all looking forward to seeing the boys today. I made eggs, pancakes, and sausage. After breakfast, we all took showers and got ready. I changed into leggings, boots, and a big sweater. It was casual, comfy, and cute! I put a little bit of makeup on and wore my natural pin straight hair down. I hadn't gotten a text from Harry all morning and it was already 11:30. That was weird. I went into Jenna's room and sat on her bed while she finished getting ready. She was telling me a story when my phone lit up with a text from Harry.

From: Harry<3

Good morning beautiful ;) Look out your window at the parking lot.

"Umm Jenna? Harry just texted me telling me to look out the window at the parking lot." I told Jenna.

She pulled me to the living room and we looked out the window. I screamed.

Harry was standing next to a million roses that spelled out "Be mine?" across the parking lot.


I ran outside without grabbing a jacket which was stupid because it's freezing. I ran up to Harry and gave him a huge hug. He stepped back and held my hands.

"Olivia Burke, I haven't stopped thinking about you since the second we made eye contact at the concert. You are an amazing girl and I would do anything for you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"YES!!!" I screamed back at him. That was easy.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. The remaining four boys of one direction, Ally, Jenna, and Bella came out of nowhere and started clapping and cheering for us. This was so exciting! I was dating Harry Styles! I started thinking about the hate and paps and publicity. People would be following me wherever I went. I knew Harry would protect me. And I usually don't let rude people get to me, so I would ignore the hate. It would all be worth it in the end.

"Can we continue this inside now? It's freezing!!!" I asked.

Everyone agreed and we went inside. Me and Bella made hot chocolate for everyone. Niall, Liam, Jenna, Ally, and Zayn sat on the couch. Louis and Ally sat next to each other on the floor. Harry sat on the floor with his back against the couch and his legs spread apart. I sat between his legs and leaned on him. We couldn't decide what to do today. Some people said movies, but that's boring and we could do that anywhere. We eventually decided on showing the boys around the city and going sightseeing. We had lots of security with us, which was weird. I wasn't used to it, but the boys definitely were. We went to the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, and Times Square. We rode the famous Ferris wheel in Toys R Us. Toys R Us sells One Direction dolls, so of course Harry decided to buy me the Harry doll.

On the way back to our apartment, Niall was telling us about a bar/club in the city that let the boys in last time. It's supposed to be the best. They let the boys in last time because they were famous. Last time they told Niall to come again and bring friends. It kinda sucked that we weren't old enough to drink in the US, but if we were in the UK we would be able to without sneaking around. We all agreed that we would get ready and then go. The driver dropped us girls off at the apartment and drove the boys back to their hotel to get ready. The driver and the boys would be back at 6:30 to bring us to dinner and then the bar. We all went up to our rooms to get changed. I wore a tight black dress with black heels. I reapplied my make up curled my hair. I sprayed some of my favorite perfume. And put some stuff in my bag. I was ready early so I decided I would give my mom a call to tell her that I'm dating a superstar.

She picked up after 2 rings.

"Hi sweetly! How are you?" She answered.

"I'm great! I have some news to tell you."

"Oh no. Good or bad?"

"It's good news, don't worry mom."

"Okay tell me."

"Okay so you know that band One Direction that I love? Well I don't know if I told you but Ally, Jenna, and Bella took me to their concert on Monday. We had front row seats and we were close enough to touch them. Me and Harry, the curly haired one, made eye contact and he reached out to touch my hand and we both felt sparks. His security guard gave me and the girls backstage passes to meet them after the concert. When they found out it was my birthday we went to a candy store and ice cream parlor to celebrate. Last night, me and Harry went on a date. This morning he spelled out "Be Mine?" with roses across the parking lot to the apartments. Of course I said yes, so now I'm dating Harry Styles."

"Oh Honey, I'm so happy for you. That's great. I know I'm going to sound like such a mom but be careful. Celebrities get into crazy drama. He could break your heart very easily and I don't want to see you get hurt. Be careful with your decisions, okay sweetie?"

"Okay mom, I promise."

"Good. Oh and one more thing."


"I don't want grandchildren just yet, so be careful!"


"I know! I was just warning you! Okay well I'm going out to dinner with your dad and some friends so I'll let you get back to your famous boyfriend. I love you very much and I miss you!"

"Miss you too! Have fun! Tell dad I say hi! Love you both! Mwahh!"

We ended the conversation in perfect timing. The boys would be here any minute. I went downstairs and waited with Jenna and Bella. I guess Ally was still getting ready. I screamed her name as I saw the boys pull in. She came running down and we all grabbed our jackets. We got into the limo. We were on our way! I could tell this would be a fun night!


Hey guys! I have uploaded 3 chapters today :)

I hope you are enjoying it! I love uploading, so I try to upload about twice a day on the weekends. On weekdays it's probably once a day, but I might not update everyday if I have a lot of studying.

Don't forget to leave suggestions in the comments! Please vote and tell your friends about my story! xoxo

Last First Kiss *COMPLETED*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora