Chapter 15

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Since the reservations were at 6:30, Harry would come pick me up somewhere around 6:15. That gave me 2 hours to get ready!

I took a shower and got into my robe while I picked out an outfit. I decided on a black dress that had a gold belt around the waist. It was short sleeved and had a lace material. I had gold heels that would match it perfectly!

I walked into the bathroom and blow dried my hair. I put curlers in my hair while I did my makeup. I realized that I never wrapped Harry's present!

I kept the curlers in while I wrapped the present so that it would get curlier. For Christmas, I got tickets for me and Harry to go to the Bahamas. The tickets would be in the card so I didn't have to wrap that. I also got him cologne and a hoodie, since I stole most of his. I made sure I liked the one I got him because it would end up being mine eventually. I wrapped them in red wrapping paper that had Christmas trees on it. I taped the card to the box with the cologne and placed the wrapped cologne box on top of the wrapped hoodie box. I tied a silver ribbon around it all and tied a bow at the top. I smiled at my wrapping and went back in the bathroom to finish my hair.

I took out the curlers. The curls came out perfectly! Yay! I put the finishing touches on my makeup and smiled in the mirror. I checked my phone to see that it was 6:08. Harry would be here soon! Ally was still with her boyfriend, but Bella and Jenna were home now. I found them watching TV. I walked into the room and they both stared at me.

"You look hot!" Bella said.

"Your smoking!" Jenna told me.

I laughed and Harry knocked on the door. He was wearing black dress pants, dress shoes, a white shirt and a black bow tie. He looked totally adorable. I gave him a kiss and grabbed my purse and his present. I put my jacket on. I said goodbye to the girls and we left.

We took Harrys car to the restaurant. He handed me a pair of sunglasses to try to disguise myself. We had absolutely no security with us, which was very unusual.

"Why aren't there security with us?" I asked Harry.

"Because this is our first real date in 3 weeks and I wanted it to be special."

"Aww that's so sweet."

He smiled at me and we pulled into the parking lot. He told me to leave the present in the car. He said we would go somewhere after to do that. We each put on the sunglasses. Harry put a beanie on to hide his famous curls and I used my hair to cover my face. We walked into the restaurant holding hands. The workers seemed to know who we were and immediately led us to our table.

We ordered our drinks and food. While we were waiting, we caught up on everything that happened while we were away from each other. He carefully avoided the whole Matt situation. We finished our food and ordered dessert. To share, we got a small chocolate cake that came with ice cream, hot fudge, and chocolate chips on top. When it came, Harry took a spoonful and held it in front of my mouth. I ate it off his spoon. I took a spoonful and fed it to him. As my hand was in front of his face, I saw him look at my hand and a smile formed on his face.

"What?" I asked him.

"The ring."

"What about it?"

"Your wearing it."

"Harry I haven't taken it off since you gave it to me."

"I know that. I'm just..I don't know. I'm glad that we promised to be together and with nobody else."

"Me too." I said, smiling at him.

We finished our cake and he paid the bill. I offered to pay but he wouldn't let me. We put out disguises back on and headed out to the car. I guess the word got out that we were here because there was about 50 girls outside the restaurant. Harry was very certain that he wanted this night to only be about us. He stopped and signed autographs for only a few fans. He took pictures with some other ones. We got back into the car and drove away. I asked where we were going but he wouldn't tell me.

Last First Kiss *COMPLETED*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora