Chapter 3

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When we walked through the doors, I was estatic. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My eyes scanned across Niall, Liam, Zayn, Louis, and finally Harry. He was smiling with that big smile of his. The smile that could light up the room. His dimples, his curls, his body. Everything about him was perfect. I walked over to him while Jenna, Bella, and Ally mingled with the other four boys. I could feel my palms sweating and my knees trembling as I walked over him. He greeted me with a hug and smiled at me nervously. 

"Umm..Hi. I'm Olivia."

"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He said, making me blush. "I'm Harry." He continued.

"Hi Harry..I'm a little nervous."

"It's okay babe, don't be. Anyway, I wanted you to come backstage because I saw you in the crowd and I couldn't take my eyes off you. You are so beautiful and I feel like you could be the perfect one for me. I know I'm usually a big flirt, but I mean everything I say. We haven't even had one conversation with each other, but I feel like I have known you for a long time. That's something special that is really rare these days. I can tell from looking at you that you have an amazing personality. I really want to get to know you better and spend more time with you. What do you think?" 

Wow the way he talks and told me exactly how he feels was so amazing. I can't believe someone could feel that way about me. I always felt like I wasn't good enough for anyone. He made me nervous, very nervous. 

"Umm..I think..that your making me really nervous and I feel like I might pass out. I feel really dizzy and lightheaded. I can't see. Can we sit down?"

"Oh no. Come here." He picked me up bridal style and carried me to the couch. He sat down and laid me across his lap with his hands around my waist.

"Can someone get this girl a drink? She's gonna pass out!" I heard him yell to security.

A bunch of workers came over to me. One was giving me a drink, one was feeling my forehead. Another asked if I was feeling hot. I said yes, so she took off my jacket, shirt, and shoes, leaving me in my jeans and bra. Someone put a cold cloth on my forehead and gave me something to drink. About ten minutes later, I was recovered, but still laying on Harry's lap. Once the workers were sure I was okay, they left me alone. Jenna, Ally, Bella, Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Niall came over to me asking how I was doing. They all seemed really concerned. 

Then Louis said, "I guess we haven't formally met. I'm Louis and you must be the girl Harry was telling us about." 

I smiled and nodded. The other boys all introduced themselves before Niall said, "Well we will leave you two alone to get to know each other." The girls smiled and winked at me before they all left. 

I looked up at Harry and smiled at him. "Thank you for taking care of me. I'm really sorry that you told me everything and all I said back was that I don't feel good. That was kinda rude."

"Oh no, I totally understand. Don't worry about it."

"Okay good, I'm sorry. Anyway, I really appreciate everything you said. When we made eye contact, I felt the sparks. It seemed like magic when you were up there looking at me. I definitely want to get to know you better. And as a normal person, I'm not saying this because your Harry Styles from One Direction. You are a genuine person and you don't let the fame get the best of you. I like that."

He started playing with my hair and then started laughing to himself.

"What?" I asked him

"Your still not wearing a shirt. I like the cheetah bra."

I felt my face get red and asked him to give me my shirt. He held it up and then carefully lifted me up and placed me next to him on the couch. He got up and started running around the room with my shirt. I got up to chase him and ran after him. He was running in cirlces around the couch. I didn't have shoes on, so I decided to take a shortcut. I jumped onto the couch and caught him in perfect timing. I jumped onto his back and he stopped running. I jumped down and he turned around. He carefully pulled the shirt over my head as I put my arms through the holes. I giggled and he smiled at me.

"Olivia, you have a very pretty smile. I just want you to know that you are not the type of girl that I just want to sleep with. You seem to have self-respect and morals. I genuinely love your personality. I don't just want you to sleep with and then move on. Your different than the other girls, and I like that."

I blushed and gave him a hug. While hugging him I ran my fingers through his brown curls.

Pretty soon after that, the boys and my friends ran into the room.

"Hey Harry, Guess what we just found out?" Zayn said.

"Umm..I dont know.." Harry replied.

"Ally here just told us that its a very special someones birthday today!" Louis said to Harry.

Harry looked at me. "Olivia, is it your birthday?"

"Umm..yeah." I responded.

"Aw you should have told me! Everyone in the car! We're going out to celebrate!" Harry said.

He went over to tell his body guards something that seemed to be very secretive. I sorta felt bad that Harry found out it was my birthday. I just wanted tonight to let me and Harry get to know each other. Now it's going to end up being all about me, and I hated attention. But on the other hand, I guess I really can't complain. I'm celebrating my birthday with the boys of One Direction! 


Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! I am trying to update as much as possible so that we can get to the good stuff! If you have any suggestions, let me know! Please subscribe and vote! xo

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