
559 34 0

From; Tia/Aj aka -asahiswaifu (🍯 )
Tw; mentions of self-harm and suicidal thoughts.

"A few things might be a little confusing to understand, so I apologize beforehand if anyone gets confused at any point in my statement. I'm not exactly sure how I should start, so I'll just jump right into explaining myself before I talk about Riot.

I'm someone who has a problem with self-harming and suicidal thoughts, so much so to the point where both things are constantly on my mind every day. When I was first added to the group chat, that was originally made for Wattpad writers to get to know each other on a more personal level, I was genuinely excited and happy to meet new people. Getting to know everyone who was in there at the time was such an amazing experience and I don't regret staying in there for as long as I did, however, I should have left as soon as jokes were said that I wasn't comfortable with.

There were many jokes being made in the group chat at the time, mainly kys
and self-harm jokes that people told that made me extremely uncomfortable. But at the time, it seemed like I was one of the only people who had an issue with those types of jokes, so I thought I was just overreacting since everyone else seemed okay with them. But I still decided to bring them up. I would express how I felt about them to Riot in the group chat whenever they made one, but it would be dismissed and I would be called "sensitive" or "soft" for having an issue with them. My feelings were constantly invalidated so after a while, I stopped bringing it up.

There was actually one day I was coming back from school and I happened to have a really shitty day. I decided to come into the group chat to distract myself from relapsing again because I had a feeling that it was going to happen. As soon as I opened the group chat to speak, I got told to kill myself and to slit my wrists because I said something that someone didn't particularly like. I don't know if they knew that I had these problems with sh and suicidal thoughts, but even if they didn't, they should have been mindful about what they said because they don't entirely know me as a person.

Before getting those messages, I had relapsed a day prior to this situation happening. Hearing those comments just brought me back to the night before and I genuinely didn't feel like living anymore. I wanted to give up and I almost did, which is unfortunate, but shit happens.

I'm not expecting an apology from Riot and in my opinion, I don't even think that they would apologize to me if I asked for one, I'm sure they're done with us. They blocked everyone who was in the group chat and deleted their account when more people were finding out about what happened. They probably won't hold themself accountable, which is a little aggravating, but I wouldn't be too surprised. "

- Tia/Aj

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