Chapter 1

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When Y/N finished climbing down to the village, he started passing by dead animals and wrecked houses. He also noticed that it felt empty in this place like it was deserted. He went in the nearest house and found out the place inside was a mess. It was not too surprising for him since the village is in the same state. He wonder why he hasn't found any human corpses yet. Y/N examined the table for a moment.

Y/N: "Man, what a waste of good food. It's all over the floor now and those potatoes too. Oh, what's in this pot?"

He went to the stove and looked inside the pot. He was disgusted by the smell.

Y/N: "Okay, never mind. Guess there's nothing here."

As he left the house, he saw a body being dragged behind the fence.

Y/N: "What the- I knew I wasn't alone. But they're picking the wrong guy now. I've got a minigun with infinite ammo."

He was about to reach the minigun that was strapped to his back or so he thought.

Y/N: "What? Where did it go? I thought I had it with me? Where's my monster killing gun?!"

He was confused about where it was until he remembered something.

Y/N: "Oh, that's right. It was in my closet back home. I forgot to take it with me, the same with my other guns I had. Well, shit."

He had no choice but to continue on without his previous guns. Y/N walked to where the body was dragged and he head down on a path.

Y/N: "That's fine. I don't need them. I can go on without them. Who's needs it?" He ranted as he kept walking straight.

Eventually, he came across a few goat heads that were being hanged on the pole wires.

Y/N: "Either someone didn't like goats or Goat Simulator was not popular here."

He continued on as he still hasn't found any sign of life anywhere. The path ended with a locked gate to the left and a cabin to the right. The cabin's door was opened as Y/N had to search the cabin next.

Y/N: "Seriously, where is everyone. It's like everyone in this town is trying to avoid me."

At the table at the end of the room, he found a knife on the table. He picked it up and put it in one of his pockets.

Y/N: "Good, now I can defend myself."

Next to the table, he found a green bottle next to it. He looked at it and it read first aid med. It also had a plus sign on it.

Y/N: "And something to heal wounds."

Y/N entered the next room as there was a table in the middle and a door covered with curtains at the other side. He looked to the pot on the left.

Y/N: "(Does no one finish their cooking here? I mean, this village was attacked and all but still.)"

He went to the curtain door.

Y/N: "(Okay, let's see what's behind here.)"

He was uncovering the curtains but someone behind it, fired a gun at him and missed.

Y/N: "Whoa, whoa. Don't shoot! Don't shoot."

He saw a middle aged man in the dark closet holding a shotgun.

Villager: "Who are you? Who sent you?"

Y/N: "Uh, no one. I ended up in this place. Wait, was that a shotgun you fired? How did you miss. It was point blank ran-"

Villager: "Shhh."

He came out of the closet, telling Y/N to keep quiet as creatures screeched outside.

Resident Evil Village X Male Reader (New Game)Where stories live. Discover now