Family Blame Game

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Keigo wraps up Shoto's wound while I keep the boy's head in my lap. "Are you happy?" Keigo asks softly with a small smile. "You got your little brother back."

The thought makes my heart skip a beat. My little brother. I remember how ecstatic I was when mom told me I'd have another brother. Teams would finally be even between Natsuo, Fuyumi, and me. I had imagined his tiny, bean-like body. I had hoped, even as a stupid seven year old, that I could get my own baby when I grew up.

But alas, I found Keigo, and that moron bird can't get me any kids. Not that a villain can have kids anyway.

Keigo chuckles, finishing up Shoto's wrapping. "What?" I snap at him.

"You're cute," he says, "when you smile."

I avert my eyes, feeling a blush creep onto my face. "Whatever. Shut up, you damn bird." Just then, Shoto shifts in my lap, and immediately I shove him over to Keigo.

"Whoa, there, tiger," Keigo says to me. "Careful with him. He's still wounded, y'know?" Shoto's eyes, one blue like mine and one gray like mom's, flutter open. His nose scrunches up like Natsuo's used to whenever he was hurt, and he rolls his shoulders back like Fuyumi had when she was annoyed with us boys. "Wakey wakey," Keigo hums.

"Midoriya," Shoto grumbles, sitting up fully. "Shit, my shoulder... oh. It's you." He narrows his eyes at me, a scowl across his usually expressionless face. "What is it that you want with me, Dabi? And–" He spun around, gasping a little at the sight of Keigo. "Hawks? Have you been taken as a hostage as well?"

"Um..." Keigo chuckles, his wings twitching a bit. "Not quite. Look, T– Dabi and I have something to explain to you, and we're hoping you'll sit and listen so the rest of the league doesn't have to be involved."

"Are you saying you're also here willingly?" He snaps his gaze away from Keigo and shoots daggers at me. The scar on his face makes me want to vomit. They ruined him... He's just like dad... I want to reverse the damage they did to my little brother, but I'm not sure how to do that without revealing too much

–and that thought alone was the reason for my word vomit. "My name's Touya Todoroki. I'm your brother. I'm not dead, obviously, and if you want to prove it with a blood test, I can have M- Kurogiri take us in seconds. Dad ruined you, Shoto, and I want to fix you. I–"

"You're lying," Shoto whispers, tears bubbling up in his eyes. He wipes them furiously and continues his glare. "Stop lying to me. You're a villain, not my brother. That's a sick joke. Tell me why I'm really here or I'll tear this place apart."

If I could cry, I would. His animosity is so much like Dad's... I'm going to throw up if Keigo doesn't fix this. "He's telling the truth," Keigo says. This gets Shoto's attention as he scooches back so he can see both of us. "Why do you think I'm here? Just to double cross the heroes? No. I've known Touya for years, and I know how much of a good person he is."

"He's murdered countless innocent people," Shoto growls. "That isn't something good people do."

"People deal with pain differently," Keigo says softly. "You have to trust me. I've haven't done anything wrong to you, have I? I fixed up your wound and have treated you with care. And so has Touya. We're not here to hurt you."

"Or to turn you into a villain," I whisper. It's out of character, but I don't care. I can't stop even if I wanted to. "I just miss you, Shoto. I've missed so much of my family because of dear old dad, and now... now I'm a monster. Now I'm a murderer, covered in burns because dad was too damn selfish and couldn't help himself from creating a fucking failure! I tried again and again and again to please him, to do everything he wanted, to surpass All Might just like he said. I was gonna be a hero, Shoto, just like you. But I wasn't good enough. My quirk scorched my body, and each and every day was a nightmare. But I couldn't stop. The pain was a reminder of how much I needed to improve." I cough, inhaling deeply as I continue. "And I remember when Fuyumi was teaching you how to use your ice. She helped you cool my body down when my body was on the brink of death. You cared about me then because Dad hadn't ruined you yet. But he did it now, didn't he? His masterpiece is all fucking complete now, ain't it?!"

Shoto stared at me, eyes wide in horror. I knew blood was dripping from my eyes; I could feel it running down my cheeks. Keigo got some gauze and cleaned it up, but the damage was done. "You can't blame me," Shoto says, "for what our father did to me. Or to you, or Natsuo or Fuyumi. It isn't my fault," he told me, "and it's not yours either." 

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