Having fun?

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An afternoon at home. It was what Y/N and Kai loved most - just the two of them and no one around to interrupt them or butt in. They sat on the couch , his arm around her shoulders while the low noise from the TV disturbed the silence. Kai could feel her heart beat racing when he brushed his palm against her cheek making her turn around towards him. Their lips met in a deep kiss and just as he was about to back her against the couch , his phone rang. Kai closed his eyes and sighed , reaching for the phone on the coffee table. Y/N couldn’t see the caller ID but whoever it was , Kai decided he had to take the call.

“Hello ?”

Y/N got off him , sitting on the other end of the couch , not taking her eyes off him. Getting interrupted was the last thing she wanted in that moment. Ever since she had woken up that morning her skin had felt on fire and it had nothing to do with the heat outside. It had everything to do with Kai. They had been together for almost a whole year now but every single day with him felt like the first , every touch , every kiss felt as if it was happening for the first time. It was enough for him just to look at her , brush his fingertips lightly against her skin and she’d melt completely. Y/N got up , running her fingers through her hair and went to get a snack from the kitchen feeling Kai’s gaze following her.

That call seemed to be taking forever because when she walked back to the living room he was still talking with whoever it was on the other end of the line. Y/N tossed herself on the couch , resting one of her legs on Kai’s lap and sitting on her other leg. Every time she tried to get his attention things didn’t work out in her favour. No matter what she tried , he just shut her down.
Y/N felt on fire just starring at him , watching his lips move and listening to his sexy voice. Not to mention his eyes - they drove her completely crazy. Kai was looking hotter than ever , wearing a black t-shirt and boxers , his hair was a bit longer and he had a slight beard which she loved so much to play with. Her panties were pooling and the longer he ignored her the worse things seemed to get. Kai brushed his fingertips innocently across her leg sending shivers all over her body and pushed it off his lap.

“Yeah , no , of course not -”

“Kai ?”

Kai motioned with his finger for her to wait a moment and continued talking to whoever it was on the other end of the line. A groan of frustration left her lips and she moved closer to him , placing her hand on his chest not taking her eyes off him. Slowly she moved her hand down towards his hip and leaned in placing a soft kiss on his cheek , leaving another and another on her way to his neck pulling herself closer to him.

‘I am so wet because of you.’ she whispered in his ear , swinging her leg over him and sitting on his lap. Y/N straddled him slowly tryng to find any relief for the pressure , looking him in the eyes while biting her lip. Kai glanced at her and pushed her away without saying a word. She tried hard not to groan in frustration again and sat on his thigh not willing to give up just yet. Whoever it was on the other end of the line could probably wait a few minutes , a half hour or longer.

’Get off the phone , please.’ she mouthed but he only shook his head slightly.

It was hot as hell outside and she was barely wearing a t-shirt which made it so much easier for her to get what she wanted. If Kai wasn’t planing on hanging up any time soon , then she’d have to take care of it herself and since he didn’t like it when she had fun by herself there was only one other option left. He looked at her with curious eyes as her fingers brushed through his soft hair gripping on it lightly.
’So hot. How can you be so hot?’ she mouthed trailing her finger on his jawline and down his chest all the way down to the slight bulge in his boxers.

Kai slapped her hand away but Y/N didn’t give up. She straddled his thigh slowly at first , looking innocently at Kai seeing his eyes darkening and starting to burn with fire. He gave her a warning look which she completely ignored , finding a way to snake her hands under his shirt and up his bare chest. A low growl came from deep inside his throat and he pushed both her hands away. Y/N pouted and continued swaying her hips on his thigh a little faster.

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