All i want

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“You again?” she asked , not a hint of surprise in her voice , looking at the young heretic pushing away a guy off his seat so he can seat next to her on the bar.

The past few weeks Kai had been turning up everywhere around her. It’s like he was following her , though it wasn’t him stalking her that bothered her… it was the fact he literally never stopped talking. It was somehow both super annoying and cute at the same time.
“Awh , don’t sound so disappointed sweetheart.” Kai said motioning for the bartender at the Whitmore bar , ordering a drink. “You may deny it but I know you like it when I’m around. I’ve been meaning to ask you - are you on twitter ? I tried to find you a few times but no results came out. You should follow me - Cobrakai1972.” He said smiling , taking a sip from his club soda.
Y/N turned towards him , her drink still in her hand.“No , social media is not my thing.” she said. “Why do you keep following me ? There must be something much more entertaining for you to do.”

“Maybe…” he said , a devilish spark in his eyes, “ but I like following you. You are fun and I love the sound of your voice. Plus no one else would talk to me , they just all get up and leave when they see me coming.” Kai’s eyes were glued on her , following her every move. “Hey , did you know they made Baywatch into a movie ? I don’t think it will beat the original but it sounds like fun. We should go see it , what do you say ? Just you and me at the movies , alone ..” he trailed off.

Y/N was taking a sip when he said that last bit and nearly choked from the surprise. She had expected him to say anything else but this.
“Y-you mean like a date?” she asked.

“Just two people …seeing a movie together..” he said nervously. “It could be a date , d-do you want it to be a date? Sorry , I’m nervous ..  and you’re like really pretty.” Kai said smiling.
Kai Parker nervous. Wwoow .. she thought.

“Look , Kai … ” she started, “you seem like a fun guy and everything but  I am just not interested into you in that way…and even if I was - it’s exam season which means free time is sort of hard to find.”

‘Ouch’ he mouthed. “Is it because I talk too much ? I can shut up , yeah I can totally  do that. Would you change your mind if I do ?” he said with a hopeful expression.

“Why is this so important to you?” she asked curious.

“Maybe I am in love with you.” he said , his eyes on hers , looking at the shocked expression she got at his words. He snorted. “I’m kidding , don’t look so shocked. I’m not burdened by pointless emotions like love.” he said. “I just want to spend time with you , get to know you , that’s all. Is it that weird ?” he asked.

Y/N smiled at him , glancing at the clock on the wall behind him noticing the time. “Oh God…I’m gonna be late! ”

She got up grabbed her bag and jacket running towards the door then stopped suddenly. It was rude leaving without saying goodbye , even if Kai was annoying the hell out of her lately. Y/N turned around towards Kai who looked surprised she had turned back.

“See you around…” she said and ran out leaving Kai starring after her.

The next few days were crazier that ever. Kai was still following her around , talking more than ever and dropping comments that got her thinking he might actually be in love with her or something but it seemed impossible. He was probably just bored or something …

In about a week later , all her exams were finally over. She had had the last one that day and was beyond excited about her freedom in the next few weeks. The sun had already set when she got home , tossing her bag on the couch along with her jacket. Y/N opened the fridge and poured herself a glass with orange juice and headed towards her room , walking in and grabbing her pj’s (a long slightly baggy t-shirt) , getting changed quickly before going to the bathroom. When she came back to her room and headed towards her bed she saw him , Malachai Parker , curled up on her bed sleeping. Had he been there before ? It was possible considering she hadn’t turned on the lights… She took a few steps towards him , turning on her nightstand lamp. He was wearing all black , his eyes were closed and he was mumbling something in his sleep. At first she couldn’t understand what he was saying , but then the words got clearer. Kai was saying her name , over and over with moments of silence in between. Y/N sat on the bed next to him , unable to take her eyes off him. Something inside her shifted and she ran her fingers through his hair , gently stroking his cheek afterwards.

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