The war against the Titans 2-Chapter 11

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Percy's POV

It had been 30 minutes. I waited outside my tent, trying to spot a gold eyed man roaming around somewhere. Nothing in sight. I knew that Kronos's forces were up to non existent. Typhon was leading a hard battle with the gods as, Hermes, Apollo, Diyonisus and Hephastus had all been majorly injured and knocked out of the battle. The 80 Half-bloods that had died had their bodies burnt, in a short way and gesture of appreciation. There were 20 who were injured to the point that they couldn't fight.

Now with around 330 troops, I made my way to the edge of Olympus, acting as a last guard for the gods. I looked into the eyes of Zeus, a statue, an infringement of art. A god, being portrayed by a measly chisel. I shook my head and turned around, ready for battle.

45 minuets later

Come on! We were waiting forever... Where was Kronos? Had he backed out? Just as I was about to call the army off, a giant glow of gold showered across the sky. Bianca, who was making his way across to me, froze. I tried to move. It didn't work. The gold dust, or layer of gold fell, with a certain grace to it, racing down towards earth. As the impact came, I flinched.

The ground exploded with a BANG! The impact exploded outwards, throwing us 100's of feet high in the sky. I panicked. Sure, this was my father's domain, but I couldn't move. That was the point. 'You don't need to physically move to control the air.' A voice whispered in my head. I just about managed to control the air and threw the power of Kronos off of me. I hovered in the sky, unable to do anything as I saw hundreds of bodies in an insanely huge crater. Every single demigod was dead. All except the 22 that were dragged away.

An evil laugh distracted me. "You!" I screamed, tears falling down my cheeks. Kronos laughed powerfully. The scraping voice of the ancient ruler of the cosmos responded. "Not the oh mighty general I've been hearing about now. Percy Grace, Jason Grace, Percy Jackson, Perseus Jackson, Perseus Grace, whichever one you prefer at his lowest."

I sobbed and I was ashamed to admit I couldn't even move, it took enough energy flying in the air. Kronos pointed his index finger at me and a golden light shot out of it. It hit me on the chest, knocking me out of the air and I plummeted towards the ground. At that moment all of my memories flooded to me. Being the hooded man, playing with Thalia, being left at the orphanage, being told I was a demigod, running away, meeting the siblings and all.

Though there was one problem with that scenario. In all my battle, I had forgotten Nico Di Angelo. He never came to battle, so where was he? I was inches away from the ground and a gold misty glow stopped me from dying. It balanced me, and shoved me back, so that I fell on my back. I rolled over, making a desperate attempt to crawl towards Olympus, hoping that it would protect me.

Kronos laughed and I stopped moving. I felt a boot on my head, but it wasn't that of Kronos. I was pushed toward the ground and tossed to the side. I blinked and I couldn't believe my eyes. "Nico!" Nico's lip curled. "Yes, Grace. I realized you don't treat me well enough. So, enough of being sent to mountains. More being sent to victory."

I lowered my head in defeat. But then, I saw a figure in Olympus, just standing there. A god perhaps? Fight. I wanted to croak. I met warm orange eyes and I got hope again. Perhaps most demigods died, but there would be more who did not know their heritage. There were the 22 that were injured. All of those demigods could bring the economy together.

I jumped up with a sudden strength, pushed Nico back and used my lightning powers to bring a bolt towards his face. Nico fell unconscious, and I leapt towards Kronos and- got frozen. Kronos pushed me back, using three fingers thrusting outward and I flew thew the air, landing on the grass skimming the ground. I remembered the remaining demigods. For them. I reasoned.

I jumped into the air, flying and threw a bolt at Kronos. Kronos swatted it away unimpressed and did a fist punch motion. A wave of gold flew toward me, crashing into me like a refrigerator, cracking limbs. I fell on the ground, Kronos above me. Thai was it.

And then, it began. The sky unfurled with a giant swish. The sky opened up and I saw the galaxy. There was a patch in the sky where I saw what it would look like, without any sky. A tube of sky covered us and I no longer saw the outside. Kronos seemed to be just as baffled as I was. A ferocious lightning bolt struck Kronos and no two ways were given.

Due to the sheer power of the lightning bolt, around 3.6 Million times more powerful than his lightning bolt, Kronos simply combusted. The sky retracted back up, closing the gap and removed the tube. A beam of blue light shot towards earth and the earth tried to block the shot. A giant fist rose from the ground trying to capture the end of the beam but the beam blew away the hand. There, stood Ouranos, Primordial God of the sky and the heavens itself.

Ouranos took in the world around him, and breathed the fresh air. A large roar grew threw the canyon. Typhon lumbered over, little bee like things compared to the monster getting swatted away. Ouranos looked at the beast for a few seconds, had an inquisitive look on his face and snapped his fingers. A lightning bolt struck Typhon, like Kronos, disintegrating the beast.

Ouranos looked at me and smiled evilly. He snapped his finger and I prepared for the impact that never came. The primordials flashed in, the gods taking in the bodies, the gold ashes and the primordials. They gaped uselessly, utterly mind-blown. Two primordials held a primordial goddess down, who looked like Gaea, mother of all and the Earth itself.

"I'll always be loyal to mother!" Gaea screamed. "Too bad." Ouranos replied. His voice was like Kronos's but much more ancient, evil, powerful and didn't have the loudness to it that Kronos's half yells had. All the primordials drew white flames, Gaea being forced to and thrust them into the centre of the circle they made. Ouranos took that power, and ended the world.

I never got to see the impact as, at the last moment, I was flashed away and appeared in a room that looked like it was i the middle of space, far, far away. I turned around to see a woman, who's eyes reflected the entire galaxy. Her robes were regal, purple color made to fit a queen. "Welcome." Her voice was much more ancient and powerful than Ouranos, but had a kind touch to it. "I am Chaos, creator of the universe."

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